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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements


Bottle of Spectrabiotic


30 vegetarian capsules - $34.20

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Spectrabiotic ®
Full Spectrum Probiotic

The Best Of Science
Research has shown that dietary supplementation with probiotics can help balance the body's supply of friendly intestinal bacteria.* Scientific research on the live cultures in Spectrabiotic center on:

  • Digestive System Function*
  • Immune System Function*
  • Proper Intestinal Balance*

The Best of Nature

  • Enhances Absorption Of Nutrients
  • Maintains A Healthy Intestinal Ecology*
  • Promotes Overall Gastrointestinal Health*
Probiotics are the beneficial intestinal flora that help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.* New Earth's Spectrabiotic ® brings together twelve different strains of premium probiotic, each selected for its unique contribution to our internal ecology, together with a blend of Wild Bluegreen™ Mind that provide ideal nourishment for the live probiotic cells and promote their healthy growth. Vibrant health from the inside out.

A Word About Probiotics

The human body contains a vast internal ecosystem consisting of thousands of billions of living microorganisms. This vast internal ecosystem, also known as intestinal flora, dramatically influences the body's metabolism, physical health, and mental well-being. In a perfect world, the human digestive system would have enough healthful bacteria to maintain optimum intestinal health. Unfortunately, today's modern lifestyle makes it almost impossible to avoid factors that can disturb the body's bacterial ecosystem. Offering positive assistance, probiotics scatter in the digestive tract to compete against the harmful transient bacteria that invade the intestinal environment. Supplementation with our exceptional probiotic products is an effective means of helping to offset the disturbing effects that dietary, environmental, and emotional stresses create in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Other Ingredients: Plant fiber, cellulose, fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

Suggested Use: Two or more capsules each day. You may wish to adjust this amount based on your individual needs.

Storage: Best if refrigerated.

More Info on Probiotics - Click Here

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


"Wild Essentials is the most profoundly nourishing whole food combination that I have seen in my career. New Earth has harnessed the healing power of wild, ancient foods, and the spectrum of health benefits is truly remarkable. Algae and fungi—when combined with probiotics and digestive enzymes—supply raw, bioavailable nutrients that feed your body on a cellular level. When each cell is receiving a complete array of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and co-factors, your natural balance is restored and your own health regeneration process functions properly. The most effective medical care is prevention, which is why I eat Wild Essentials every day and recommend them to my family, friends, and patients."
- Dr. Mahtab Damda, M.D. - Internal Medicine
Studio City, CA

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