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Welcome! This site belongs to Jeanie Leit Taylor - algae for ADD/ADHD, nutrition


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The story of my cell tech career is intimately connected with the story of my marriage, August 9th 2002. I first met John Taylor over 20 years ago, when he was referred by our family physician to counsel us about our hyperactive 6-year old, Daniel. I was very impressed with him, as a psychologist, and also quite relieved to discover that there was so much I could do to help my son. He was the first person to put me on the path to good nutrition. From that time on, I told everyone who commented on Daniel´s hyperactivity about Dr. Taylor´s book, even though I had no further contact with him, directly. I´d been divorced for 13 years when I re-met John at a church singles´ dance, and as we renewed our acquaintance, we quickly found a surprising amount of ´coincidence and congruence´ between us. Even so, I could hardly believe it when I saw Cell Tech Algae on his shelf, because I had been using it for myself since 1996. We had so many things in common, in addition to our shared belief in the nutritional power of algae, it didn´t take us long to get married and ´live happily ever after´! John recommends Algae at the seminars he teaches about Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, so it only made sense for me to become a distributor. This way, I can help his clients find their way to a more peaceful and healthy lifestyle.

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