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Blue Green Solutions, WholeFood Supplements


Entrain: to draw along with or after oneself. To draw in and incorporate into the larger body; as raindrops into a lake, or small tributaries into the larger river, and the river into the ocean. (Merriam Webster)

The principle of entrainment states that the greater system always entrains the lesser system. Entrainment, in practical terms, refers to the ability of living systems to influence one another. For example, the forest can quickly and easily be influenced by fire. Water can be influenced by sunlight. Florida, can be influenced by a hurricane. These are all living systems. The greater or more powerful living system will always have more influence over the smaller, less powerful living system.

When the living system in question is strong, healthy, well-nourished, and mostly complimentary in most of his or her dietary and lifestyle habits, this living system is a healthy human being.

We have living systems living inside living systems...

The digestive system can be influenced by the dietary decisions and lifestyle indiscretions (habits) of the living system that is you. The healthier you are, the wiser and more nutritious and complimentary your habits and decisions will be. This in turn affects your digestive system, which affects the quality of your blood and lymph, which provides the vital raw materials to every cell, tissue, organ, and system throughout your entire body.

The principle of entrainment helps us to understand how biological systems can be influenced to begin a downward spiral towards disintegration, degeneration and death or begin an upward spiral towards reintegration, regeneration and life. The principle of entrainment helps us to understand that consistently moving in the direction of reintegration, regeneration and life is (usually) the preferred direction and in moving this way consistently, we can become a lighthouse of information and inspiration...for ourselves and others.

The principle of entrainment shows us how we can be a bridge over troubled waters, how we can successfully cross the many rivers of doubt, and ultimately plant our roots firmly in the soils of confidence, certainty, abundance and health.

When you are able to understand and apply the first three principles we have been discussing; homeostasis, synergy, and digestion you automatically initiate or engage the principle of entrainment. What we have been calling complimentary habits move all living systems in the direction of greater health and wholeness. What we have been calling insulting habits move all living systems in the direction of disintegration, dis-ease, and holeness.

Action Steps to take for principle number four: Entrainment:.

Think about the principle of entrainment: the greater or more powerful living system will always have more influence over the smaller, less powerful living system; And try to remember at least one experience in your life that illustrates this principle. What can you do this week to move the living system that is you in the direction of greater health and wholeness?

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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