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Blue Green Solutions, WholeFood Supplements


Life began its journey to the present day as a result of sunlight and blue green algae. This photosynthetic partnership gave birth to the first oxygen molecules in earth’s atmosphere, and eventually an atmosphere capable of supporting all the known forms of life we have witnessed in the last billion years... from single celled protozoa and dinosaurs to us.

The cells of our bodies, and every single biochemical action and reaction inside our bodies depends upon a steady inflow of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases is one of the most interesting and essential interdependent relationships between all life on earth. Animals, including humans, require oxygen to build and grow. Plants require carbon dioxide to build and grow.

Human beings breathe oxygen to the lungs, where it diffuses into our blood. The blood circulates the entire body where cells wait to exchange the toxic waste from their own cellular activity. Carbon dioxide for oxygen, which then serves as essential fuel for further metabolic activity.

Green plants take in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) through their roots, bark, stems and leaves and diffuse this essential nutrient into its chlorophyll which then carries other essential nutrients throughout the plant, and diffuses into the atmosphere as oxygen.

97 percent of the oxygen contained in our blood is carried in the mineral-rich component of our blood plasma called hemoglobin. Heme is the latin word for iron. Iron is the mineral that oxygen attaches to most easily in our blood. Hemoglobin in humans, and chlorophyll in plants are very similar in design and function. The molecular structure of these essential substances are identical with one exception. The center of a hemoglobin molecule is an atom of iron, which gives our blood its red color. At the center of the chlorophyll molecule is an atom of magnesium, which gives plants characteristic green color.

It should not be too surprising that we have discovered that foods rich in chlorophyll increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of our blood, which in turn increases the flow of micro-nutrients to the cells and increases the flow of toxins from the cells. In this way, chlorophyll rich foods have come to be known as cell builders and cell purifiers. (Another popular way of stating this is cell regenerators and cell detoxifiers.)

Gram for gram, the most chlorophyll-rich food on earth is Cell Tech’s Super Blue Green Algae. Chlorophyll is one of our most important nutritional biomodulators. Chlorophyll, which is the blood of plants, is essential in the production of all our atmospheric oxygen. Oxygen, being one of the most essential biological catalysts and fuels is a necessary component for almost every biochemical reaction inside our bodies.

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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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