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Want to report on three days of Elevate! Day one: took my regular algae things in am, and only Elevate and enzymes at lunch. I flew all afternoon! And instead of falling into bed at 9.30 and asleep at ten, I couldn´t go to sleep because I was still happy and wide awake until 11.30-12am.
Day two: took elevate in am. Felt energized all day and did get to sleep by 11pm.
Day 3: took in am again with Wild Earth and enzymes and q10. Great day! Clear mind, no fatigue and happily active and working til 10.30-11 pm.
This is the way I felt in the first years of algae. I have felt consistently and overall very good in the last ten years but have gotten more drained than I used to. I wasn´t in a position to eat lots more algae although I do use quite a lot. So this feels like a glorious new chapter!
When I think of others my age I notice that by and large I do a lot more in a week than they do and manage to keep pretty physically and mentally active (running another half marathon in two weeks) so hooray for the algae and all the other products! They Rock and they help us in so many ways!
- Linda Dewing Pawtucket, RI