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Blue Green Solutions, WholeFood Supplements


Bottle of Bifidus


30 vegetarian capsules - $27.45

Ask about saving 10% with our Wholesale Ordering Option.

Lower Gi Tract Probiotic

The Best Of Science
Research has shown that dietary supplementation of probiotics can help balance the friendly bacteria within our intestines.* Scientific studies on the beneficial properties of Bifidus focus on:

  • Bloating And Gas
  • Healthy Digestion And Elimination*
  • Immune System Function*

The Best of Nature

  • Helps Maintain Healthy Intestinal Ecology*
  • Natural Immune Support*
  • Promotes Regularity And Gastrointestinal Health*
Bifidobacterium bifidum is a type of beneficial bacteria that dwells naturally in the human gastrointestinal (GI) system, and especially in the lower GI tract. These bacteria work symbiotically with other lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, to promote a healthy internal ecology, support immune function, and promote overall good health.* Wild Bluegreen™ Algae and the prebiotic inulin are added to provide the live bifidus cells with optimal nourishment.

A Word About Bifidobacterium bifidum

Bifidobacterium bifidum are natural inhabitants of the gastrointestinal system, particularly of the colon. These bacteria work synergistically with other lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus.Our Bifidus contains a unique blend of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Super Blue Green Omega Sun. Super Blue Green Omega Sun has been added to provide growth-promoting nutrients for the Bifidobacterium. Bifidus, when used in conjunction with our Acidophilus and Spectrabiotic, provides crucial probiotic support for overall digestive system health.*

Other Ingredients: Plant fiber, cellulose.

Suggested Use: Two or more capsules each day. You may wish to adjust this amount based on your individual needs.

Storage: Best if refrigerated.

More Info on Probiotics - Click Here

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


"I use the products daily for myself, my animal patients, and their owners. I am very thankful I was introduced to them."
- Madalyn Ward, Veterinarian
Austin, TX

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