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Healthy Futures

While choosing any one New Earth product can greatly improve your dog's quality of life, combining the products offers the best advantage for maintaining vigorous health and often eliminates the need for individual supplements to meet dietary needs that are not met with processed food.

Suggested Products:

Essentials Blend and/or Body and Mind
Average healthy adult dog: 1/3 tsp to 1 tsp daily

Enzymes, 90 caps
Average healthy adult dog:1 cap per meal


Acidophilus, 60 count
Average healthy adult dog: 1 cap daily

Bifidus, 60 count
Average healthy adult dog:1 cap daily

Spectrabiotic, 30 count
Average healthy adult dog: 1/2 cap daily

These products are the fundamental building blocks of your dog's health...

How to Start Products:

Use a common sense approach to starting your dog(s) on New Earth Algae products. As with all dietary changes, start slowly, with a small amount in the center of their food, and increase gradually as the products are well tolerated. Cleansing may appear as slightly upset digestion, loose stools, etc. If your dog has current allergy symptoms, you may notice a slight increase in these symptoms during this process. To limit any such cleansing symptoms, you can start the enzymes and probiotics for a week before starting the algae.

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"As a veterinarian using alternative therapies for over 12 years, I have looked at many nutritional products in my practice. New Earth algae is the product line that stays in my practice since it gives the results that I need in my patients. I started using Bluegreen Body on the animals after experiencing the change in my own health. It is wonderful to see the improvement in the animals. Even clients who thought their animals had lovely hair coats are amazed at the further improvement. Of course, the improvement of the hair and coat is a reflection of the improvement of intestinal health. I always tell my clients that it does not matter what healing modality your medical professional uses-if they do not use superior nutrition then they are not likely to get superior results. I depend on New Earth algae to achieve superior nutrition."
- Dr. Nancy Bozeman, DVM

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