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Healthy Futures

Nutrition or Medicine?

One of our most important messages is this: there exists a critical difference between the world of nutrition and the world of medicine; the world of foods and food supplements; and the world of drugs and pharmaceutical and medical treatments.

Foods and supplements for the most part are biomodulating in effect; meaning that the balanced synergy of all the parts is more important than the single effect or even the combined effect of the individual parts and pieces. In other words, the whole is usually more important than the parts…

In the world of medicine and drugs, the opposite holds true. With drugs, the very specific effect of one isolated biochemical substance (even if it is derived from a whole food) is more important…temporarily…than the balanced synergy of the whole. In other words…and we must emphasize the word temporarily…the part is usually more important than the whole…

This critical difference sets up two completely different "contexts", in which some very different rules apply.

Ignorance of these very different contexts and very different rules is the cause of much unnecessary suffering in our world today.

Inside the context called "medicine", we are dependent on the expertise of physicians, pharmacists, and the drug manufacturers to make sure the right medicine, in the right dosage, for the right symptoms and conditions is given, taken, and monitored. Because of the many toxic side effects of each and every drug, and the potential dangers that exist when two or more pharmaceutical substances are taken at the same time… the world of medicine and drugs is dominated by legally binding restrictions and regulations and endless precautions and procedures.

Inside the context called nutrition the very opposite is true. We are completely free and independent in our ability to choose the foods, beverages, cooking techniques, and nutritional supplements we put into our own bodies. In nutrition, there are no prescriptions, set dosages, toxic side- effects and endless outside monitoring of results.

The responsibility for choosing what nutrition goes into our own bodies is ours alone. The responsibility for the results of those choices is ours alone, too.

The responsibility for choosing what medicine goes into our bodies is not "ours alone"…even if we are a physician!!! The responsibility for this decision is a shared responsibility between physician and patient.

There is one fundamental truth that really explains every question and confusion that arises in our lives in the often entangled areas of nutrition-health-medicines-foods-drugs-supplements:

We are relatively ignorant about the miracle of our own bodies and about what truly nourishes our bodies best!

As we continue our journey to better nutrition let's keep in mind one simple question:
What nourishes me best?

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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