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Click for enlargementDog´s Testimony - Surviving a Liver Shunt Surgery

From the first day I got Jayne (9 months old), she showed signs of ill health. She was vomiting and not able to keep food in her gut. I found out she had liver shunt. I had the surgery done on her and she almost died in recovery because her body was rejecting the ameriod constrictor that was suppose to fix the shunt. But Jayne made it and she was OK for 2 years after the surgery.

But after 2 years we started noticing that she was drinking and urinating everywhere. The vet informed me that Jayne's kidneys were failing. The vet said her tests showed only a 24% use of her kidneys function. The vet predicted that Jayne would not live long, perhaps a year or less. My world crumbled, and that is when someone I helped with her Liver Shunt dog, told me of a "wellness coach" that helped her after her dog had the surgery. I contacted this woman, and she gave me hope, and it changed Jayne's whole life.

We started doing home cooking of all organic foods, and gave her several recommended supplements a day in her foods; aciodphilus, bifidus, organic blue green micro algae, CoQ10, organic sprouts and enzymes. It has been three years since we found out about her kidneys, and now all blood work, including her bile acids, are normal. We go for quarterly blood tests, and they continue to stay normal!

Jayne is my Special Little Angel. I have four dogs, and love them all to pieces. But Jayne has a special place in my heart that is just for her alone. I can only compare my love for her like the love a mother feels for a child, and the never ending lengths you will go through to help them. There isn't a day that passes where I take her life for granted, and I just pray that she will grow old with us.

Karen Rubin
New Jersey

I Just wanted to let you know that Jayne is going to be celebrating her 9TH birthday September 29TH!!!!! Thanks to the products, she is still here with us and TG doing great!

We are going to make it a special day for her. It is going to be her day to go out in her stroller and make the day all about her!


Just wanted to let you know that yesterday was Jayne's 13th birthday. Thanks to you my baby is still with us. I pray that next year we will be celebrating her 14th birthday.

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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