Quit Wishin, Go Fishin
When I worked inside of one of America's largest corporations, I
always felt the restrictions of a tight necktie, having fixed work
hours and having to be "at work," on nice days. My day
dreams often took me back to fishing, camping, hiking, diving and/or
sailing adventures I had enjoyed in my youth, with my dad.
My wife worked at one of the largest accounting firms in the U.S.
and wished she could just "roll over" in the morning instead
of having to "roll out." She often felt humiliated because
to arrive at work 30 minutes late she needed to get permission first
and she always felt supervisory eyes watching what she did. Maybe
more than anything, she missed spending more time playing with and
relating to our young son.
So, we had our "reasons" for wanting to be our own
bosses, to have our own business and to drop out of the standard,
every day commuting routine. When we found Simplexity, the right
company for us, it took 29 months and lots of focused effort before
both of us could afford to become "full time" working
our own home-based business. At the outset of our Network Marketing
career, we vowed to "quit wishing and go fishing." We
would change the quality of our lives and play more often. Since
that vow was made, we've taken 100+ recreational trips of between
one day and many weeks in duration.
We've walked on the beach in front of an ancient Greek temple at
sunrise; we've sailed north up the inside passage of British Columbia
multiple times; we've shared dinner with friends where the table
fare consisted of shrimp, crabs or lobsters we caught from the sea
earlier the same day; we've enjoyed the lights of Paris from the
top of the Eiffel Tower on a midsummers evening; we've spent many
extraordinary days crusing and swimming with whales in British Columbia,
Mexico and Hawaii; and, we did most of our life enriching play when
our son could accompany us. These are but a very few of the rewards
we've enjoyed over the past ten years.
When we made the decision to break free of the shackles of standard
corporate lifestyle, we changed our lives forever. We have the
freedom to choose how we spend our time and we deeply believe that
one of the greatest pleasures of a balanced life includes the enjoyment
of recreational pursuits that fill the heart.
Rich Hosking
Seattle, WA.