Healthy Futures

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Why This Business? Why Now?
What would a company look like
if its first aim were to foster "The Good Life"?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How was your day?
  • Was work good? Not today's results, not the downstream payoffs, but the moment-to-moment doing of it.
  • Did it please you?
  • Were the ideas exciting?
  • Did you make anything you were proud of?
  • Was your day fun?
  • Does the job you have foster the life you want?
  • Did you get some exercise, see friends, laugh with your children, share dinner with anyone who mattered to you?
  • Is work working for you? Is life working?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then you might consider looking seriously into the New Earth business opportunity. Here's why:

Work style: In a home based business we set our own hours, dress as we wish, attend to our health, recreate and relax during regular work hours (any time we want to) and put our families first.

The nature of the product: If the company's product or service is easy to understand and inherently beneficial to kids, partners, friends, animals and the planet in general, then work life can easily and enjoyably be shared with your family instead of work being compartmentalized. Work becomes a source of connection instead of emotional and geographical distance.

Location: When you work at home, you have no commute and you can more easily enjoy life and its richness outside your home based office. Many of us, during nice sunny days, take our computers and cell phones to a park or a lake and enjoy doing work in tranquil natural settings.

Industrial anxiety level: Some products are outmoded even before they're marketed. The typical life cycle of an industry's products affects the daily activity felt by those who work in it. Not in New Earth. The products are so effective, once people try them, they don't stop using them. The products are so unique that marketplace competition is barely an issue.

The nature of the products and collegiality: An easy-to-understand product enables distributors to be engaged by one another's achievements. It promotes excellent communication instead of misunderstanding and teamwork instead of isolation.

The nature of the product and relationships with customers: Work feels better if the products generate happiness and customer loyalty. We have satisfied customers who have been with New Earth for more than 20 years.

Attention-getting products: New Earth products are inherently effective and results producing so they are in demand in the marketplace.

If you decide to build a home-based business in the network marketing industry and you chose New Earth as the company to represent, then the above business characteristics are a few of the benefits you will get to enjoy just like many of us have been doing for more than two decades.

When you ask us: How was your day? Our answer most likely will be, "Our day was good, really, really good. How was yours?"

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A New Earth Independent Associate site