Rediscovering the road to a healthy lifestyle
Diamond Len Schneider has been very busy during the last year.
After his mother's death in early 2002, Len was confronted with
some serious health challenges of his own. He recovered from
his initial health crisis using a combination of traditional medicine,
chiropractic care, and massage therapy, but is quick to point out
that he owes his long term recovery to exercise, a healthier diet,
a change in environment, and nutritional supplements.
After his initial recovery, he eventually found himself in Hawaii
on business. In retrospect, Len realized that this trip changed
his lifestyle forever. He remembered an exercise class that takes
place each morning on Waikiki beach and decided to walk over and
join it. Though he was out of shape, he began to stretch and bend.
"Huffing and puffing, I realized I needed to take charge of
my life," says Len. "I finally had a new viewpoint, which
was a demand for improvement in my life." Len began to exercise
for a half hour each day. "The people exercising with me would
comment on my dedication, and then on my appearance. That motivated
me as time went on."
Next, he addressed his diet, adding more vegetables and knocking
out carbohydrates. He says changing his diet wasn't easy, nor was
it particularly hard. It was just something he knew he had to do.
"After my attitude changed, it was easier. I started looking
forward to fruit for breakfast, a large salad for lunch, and both
raw and cooked vegetables along with some protein for dinner."
And of course, he continued to use New Earth products. "I
ate enzymes, Spectrabiotic, Energize, and a handful of algae faithfully
in the morning, and at least two BG Bars a day!"
"A major mental shift occurred," Len explains, "and
that was to take care of me. I'd always put me after others and
if I had time or energy left over, I'd use it for myself. Now, I
had a chance to recover and I was being responsible to myself."
Before |
After |
Soon he began swimming laps in the ocean, from one lifeguard tower
to the next (an eighth of a mile each way). As his endurance improved
he swam more, eventually heading for a buoy three-quarters of a
mile away. Once, after he had already exercised for an hour and
a half, he swam to the buoy and met up with another swimmer. The
man asked Len if they could swim back to their common starting point
together. Once back on land, they gave each other a high five and
Len asked the man about himself. It turns out that he was a swimming
coach in Tokyo and had competed in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics. "Even
though I'm 54 years old and had already worked out, I was able to
keep pace with this 26-year-old Olympian! At that point I was blown
away by how much I was regaining my health!"
Now back in Florida, Len continues to eat right and exercise, and
his health is good. In fact, it has improved far more than expected.
He credits his association with New Earth for helping him to be
able to spend time working on improving his health. "Being
in New Earth has given me the financial resources to make it all
happen. Consuming the products has given me the energy and nutrition
to re-create and maintain my health. If it wasn't for New Earth
and network marketing, I probably wouldn't have made it!"
Congratulations, Len! We appreciate your sharing this story and
hope that it will inspire others to improve their health, too! It's
never too late (or too early) to make a change for the better.