Rich Hosking - My rosacea is gone!
I have suffered from rosacea for as long as I remember. I followed what the doctor recommended which is taking antibiotics to have normal facial skin. As a good patient, I took antibiotics for more than 15 years.
When I stopped the antibiotics, due to some severe side effects of being on them for so long, my face flared up real bad. But with a change in my diet and taking whole food supplements, I was able to have success in normalizing this facial skin condition. I no longer have the pimples and red blotchy skin associated with rosacea.
My diet now consists of eating more fresh organic whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and only sea foods, goat based dairy and sprouted breads. My supplements consist of probiotics, digestive and proteolytic enzymes, wild crafted micro algae, sprouts and CoQ10 mixed with organic oils. As an added benefit of changing my diet and taking whole food supplements, I lost weight and I am enjoying better intestinal function and an overall increased level of energy.
Rich Hosking
Seattle, WA
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