My New Earth Lifestyle
For the past 12 years, I have been able to support myself entirely
from my New Earth commission check. And because of the nature
of network marketing, this has allowed me to enjoy a lifestyle that
most people only get to dream about.
One of the biggest perks about my New Earth business is that I can
live anywhere I want. Most peoples' jobs or careers keep them tied
to where they work, and moving is either not an option or entails
a substantial cut in income. As long as I have a telephone and a
computer, I can run my business from just about anywhere.
Right now, I have chosen to be in San Diego. I love the warm Mediterranean
climate of Southern California, where it almost never gets very
hot or very cold. I am an avid tennis player and almost every day
is a perfect day for tennis here. This is what my life looks like.
In two words, I would describe my lifestyle as one of total freedom.
Each day when I awake, I am free to do whatever I please during
that day. There is almost nothing that I have to do. I do what I
want to do.
I get up when I feel like getting up. Then I usually like to get
on my computer to check my email and see what's going on in the world.
Then it's off to the tennis courts for a delightful morning of tennis
in the warm California sunshine, followed by a nice, relaxing soak
in the jacuzzi.
I usually have lunch with friends a few times a week and it's great
to be able to go to the movies, or do food shopping in the afternoon
when there are no crowds of people to deal with. I will often work
in the afternoon if I want to, but it is never out of necessity.
I truly do not have to work and I plan on having that always be
the case.
My daughter is working on her Master's degree and I am able to fully
support her by paying for her tuition and living expenses, so that
she doesn't have to work and can concentrate on her studies full-time.
To be able to give her the opportunity to achieve her dreams means
more to me as anything I do for myself.
My New Earth business and all the people in my downline have created
more freedom than I ever thought would be possible. I have an incredible
lifestyle that seems like a wonderful vacation that never comes
to an end.
Loren Spector
San Diego, CA