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The Next Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry -
One of the hottest business megatrends

Since the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans appear to be undergoing a values shift, adopting more healthful, family-oriented lifestyles. This trend is hot news for the home-based business opportunity and organic and natural healthy supplements being offered to you via this website.

A recent survey conducted by Harleysville, Pa.-based Natural Marketing Institute found that 63 percent of those surveyed after September 11, state they are focused more intently on home and family quality of life issues, and 30 percent have decided to increase their focus on personal health and wellness (Scott, pp. 18-19). Surprisingly, the wellness industry has not been impacted by the slowdown in the economy after September 11. Steve Hughes, President of Frontier Natural Products in Boulder, Colo., said in an interview for the LOHAS magazine that the wellness industry in growing in all categories because people are cocooning more and home-based businesses and wellness products fit this model pretty nicely (Lampe, p. 31).

Our home-based business opportunity offers you a chance at hitting the jackpot:

Think of the baby boomers who represent what Ken Dychtwald of a San-Francisco-based consulting firm, Age Wave, calls a monster market for anti-aging products (Hunt, p. 26). As American Demographics points out in its October 2002 issue, "For 78 million Americans between the ages of 38 and 56, the struggle to cling to youth has moved from a private war fought in front of the bathroom mirror to a highly public, generational obsession" (p.26). Dychtwald, who has been advising Fortune 100 companies on the boomer phenomenon for nearly two decades, is an ardent believer that a business opportunity offering wellness products for baby boomers will be among companies that will snare the broadly diverse boomer consumers as they struggle to ward off the inevitable. He says that "...between the illusion of youth and the reality of age is a gap. Within that gap is a trillion dollars worth of business opportunity" (p.26).

Our home-based business opportunity offers tens of millions of age-defiant boomers natural products, rather than mainstream pharmaceutical offerings, to help them hang on to a semblance of youth.

Another gigantic opportunity for promoting our wellness products is the LOHAS consumer group. The LOHAS consumers are a new breed. They are a population with strong concerns about the environment, human rights, sustainability of natural resources, community development, fair trade, and spiritual and personal development. Their impact on the marketplace stems from the fact that these consumers want to integrate their values with the products and services they buy and use. These consumers represent a market conservatively estimated to represent more than $226 billion in annual sales in the US and more than $540 billion worldwide (LOHAS, Fall 2001, p. 13). Research conducted by Natural Business Communications and the Natural Marketing Institute estimate the number of LOHAS consumers at 63 million strong and growing.

What drives the LOHAS consumer is health-that of their families, the planet, and the future of society. According to "The LOHAS Consumer Identified" article, LOHAS consumer dominant concerns are for social justice, conservation of natural resources, environmentally friendly products, and the wellness of body, mind, spirit and planet.

The above values are exactly what our home-based business opportunity and it's natural, organic, and wild-crafted products offer to the LOHAS 63 million strong group.

The Baby Boomers and the LOHAS consumer group are increasingly directing economic trends in the United States. A great part of their spending habits within the wellness industry is already directed towards various components of our natural product line and business opportunity related services. We invite you to join our business opportunity and become a leader in this industry.

The choices we offer are based on natural, organic and wild-crafted products that are very popular to both the Baby Boomers and LOHAS consumer group. Members of both groups are so value driven and so strong in their commitment to quality offerings that they end up selecting our product line a high percentage of the time. The results consumers achieve help them emotionally connect to the products and in turn they buy them time after time and ultimately end up wanting to be part of our mission of sustainable lifestyle, healthy living and financial well being.

Emerich, Monica. (Spring 2002). The LOHAS Consumer identified!. Natural Business LOHAS Journal. pp. 12-15.

_____________. (Fall, 2001). About LOHAS.
Natural Business LOHAS Journal. p. 13.

Hunt, Nancy Nachman. (Spring 2003). The Hunt for the Aging 78 Million Pound Elephant. Natural Business LOHAS Journal. PP. 26-31.

Lampe, Frank. (Spring, 2002). Changing Industry, Changing Consumers. Natural Business LOHAS Journal. pp.30-33.

Scott, Mary. (Spring 2002). Healthy Living.
Natural Business LOHAS Journal. pp.18-29.

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