Welcome! This site belongs to Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements.



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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements

Our products are your
products, if you want to:

  • Replace formulated supplements
  • Improve coat condition
  • Naturally support muscle maintenance and growth
  • Improve disposition,calmness, poise, focus, concentration
  • Reduce stress
  • Support reproduction
  • Improve skin, eye, respiratory health
  • Increase energy/endurance/high performance
  • Support blood and liver health and assists body with cleansing of toxins

Why? Because of what's in there...

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"Throughout the past 18 years that I have been practicing veterinary medicine, I have been increasingly concerned with artificial ingredients and preservatives in commercial diets fed to our companion animals. When I found an all natural supplement, Bluegreen Body, I was shockingly amazed at its beneficial effect on my patients. I have used the New Earth products on my patients since 1993 and I thank the day I found it. These algae products have changed the way I practice and my life!"
- Dr. Cheryl Peterein, DVM

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This website has been redesigned by: The Mastered Web

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