New Earth Supports the Gentle Way of Life
 Since 1992, New Earth has been sharing its products and resources with people in need
throughout the world. Through Simple Solutions, thousands of impoverished and undernourished
children and adults have benefited from eating organic micro algae in Nicaragua, Guatemala,
the Dominican Republic, and Haiti as well as Kenya, Ghana, India, Belarus, North America, and
other areas of the world. Simple Solutions also assists Marta's House, a shelter for abused
women and children in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Now we have one more cause to support by providing
life-enhancing algae products to the many animals cared for by The Gentle Barn
 The Gentle Barn is a nonprofit corporation, founded in 1999 by Ellie R. Laks and is now run by
Ellie and Jay Weiner, who joined forces in 2002. Ellie and Jay had similar childhoods where they
both felt alone, unseen, and misunderstood. For both of them, they received their attention, friendship,
and unconditional love from animals. Having been saved by animals, it was their dream to have a place
that allowed children to be supported and healed by animals like they had been.
Ellie and Jay see their 130-rescued farm animals as teachers, healers, friends, and heroes. Every
animal at their place has been rescued from horrible abuse, neglect, and loneliness, and yet they have
all survived using forgiveness, trust, love, and courage. These are the qualities that Ellie and Jay
strives for on a daily basis and that they teach the children that visit The Gentle Barn.
 The Gentle Barn started on a half-acre property in the middle of the San Fernando Valley in California.
In 2003, The Gentle Barn moved to a six-acre paradise in Santa Clarita, CA. The property is complete
with large horse and cow pastures, a red and white barnyard for the smaller animals, an organic vegetable
garden, lots of shade trees, and a panoramic view of gorgeous mountains. The 130 rescued animals are safe
and happy at The Gentle Barn, and there is plenty of room to welcome the visitors and children they host.
Their ultimate goal is to open Gentle Barns across the country so that every animal and child can have a
place of healing and safety, where they can be seen for the perfect beings that they are. Since its inception,
The Gentle Barn has been home to hundreds of animals and host to over 100,000 people.
THE SOURCE - March - April 2011, pgs. 10-11
Watch the Animals GIVE Program video