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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements

Essentials Blend (Algae, Probiotics, Antioxidants) for Large Animals
Improved quality of life for your animal companions

Our product line has the potential for improving your animal’s health like no other. Of the countless testimonials we hear from people about improvements in their own health, some of the most profound (and heart-warming) are about their animals. We continually receive stories from animal owners who see a return of youthful, playful energy with older pets, improved quality of hair coat, a calm demeanor…Why is this? Because your animal has so much to gain from adding our products to their diet. Just as our own diets have seen nutritional decline due to over-processing and chemical additives, the diets of our animals have seen an even steeper decline. It is common for manufacturers to use nutrient-robbing processing, and inferior ingredients in animal foods to reduce costs. Now you can help fill the nutritional “gap” for your animal…

More Info On: Essentials Blend for Large Animals

Add this perfect nutrition to your animal’s diet
and see the difference.

Essentials Blend comes in two sizes to accommodate any appetite. Just mix the Essentials Blend with your animals’ food (wet or dry) to give them the nutritional support they will appreciate. In addition, each product in our line can support specific nutritional needs of your animal companions. Adding this nutrition to your animals’ diets can:

  • Improve the look and feel of their hair coat
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce stress and hyperactivity

Essentials Blend PLUS for Small Animals

Add Essentials Blend PLUS to your pet's wet or dry food to help keep him or her healthy and happy. Essentials Blend PLUS contains New Earth's Wild Bluegreen™ Algae, Spectrabiotic®, wheat sprouts, and glucosamine in a convenient powder form. The formula provides broad-spectrum, enzymatically active nutrition with anitoxidants and probiotics, as well as glucosamine for healthy joint support. Each serving is rich in essential fatty acids, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. (Consult your veterinarian for severe joint problems.)

More Info On: Essentials Blend PLUS for small animals

Essentials Blend for Small Animals

Add Essentials Blend to your pet's wet or dry food to help keep him or her healthy and happy. Essentials Blend contains New Earth's Wild Bluegreen™ Algae, Spectrabiotic®, wheat sprouts in a convenient powder form. The formula provides broad-spectrum, enzymatically active nutrition with key anitoxidants, which are espcially important for cats, and probiotics for intestinal support. Each serving is rich in essential fatty acids, trace minerals, and phytonutrients for the health of your cat.

More Info On: Essentials Blend for Small Animals

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We have an Alpine goat that enjoys escaping her pen. She invariably gets into weeds that cause her jaw to swell and she bloats for 24 to 48 hours. I have heard that giving her Wild Earth with her daily amount of Animal Algae really helps. She knows the sound of the bottle that holds this scrumptious capsules and refuses to go back to eating her grain until she gets dessert first!
- Christine Banta
Calamus, Iowa

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