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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements

Understanding the Fundamentals

Health is our greatest asset, and understanding the fundamentals of sound nutrition is the first step in restoring, maintaining and increasing our good health and well-being. Physical health is the foundation upon which we build the rest of our lives. Our physical health is determined by the health of our cells. The quality of the life of our cells is determined by the quality of the raw materials that we take in, nutritionally, socially and emotionally.

Understanding the difference between which raw materials and influences are complementary and nourishing, and which are insulting and toxic to our body, mind and spirit is one of the most important things we can learn and share with others. Our health is not only determined by what enters our lives and bodies from various environments, but also by how well we assimilate these various influences.

One of the basic observations of the natural healing paradigm is that a well-nourished body doesn’t make mistakes. The human body possesses the blueprint for its own protection, repair and growth. The body has the ability to take care of itself. Our job is to ensure that we help our bodies with this life-saving work.

The best way to help our bodies to achieve and maintain the highest levels of health and well-being is to consume the best whole foods and practice complementary habits in the rest of our diet and life. Common sense acknowledges that there are many paths to the same goal. In our quest for better health this common sense approach to things is both our compass and our source of greatest comfort.

Practicing the Fundamentals - What to do...

Consume more New Earth products throughout the day. Wild Bluegreen™ Algae is one of the most nutrient rich, wild-crafted quality super-foods on earth. Food should be eaten throughout the day, not just once or twice a day. Super Blue Green Algae provides a full spectrum of vital and necessary micronutrients to every cell in the human body. This full spectrum nutritional support allows for the optimal functioning of every cell, organ, and system of the human body.

"Deficiencies in any of a large number of single essential nutrients can produce dysfunctions in the immune system and other host defensive mechanisms. Single nutrients that impact importantly on protein synthesis can influence every aspect of immunity. Deficiencies of essential amino acids can also depress the synthesis of proteins, including those that contribute uniquely to host defenses. Trace mineral elements that function as the key components of metalloenzymes are also known to have some effects on the internal structure and function of lymphocytes." Journal of Nutrition, 1996; 126: 2611-2615 Overview of nutrition and immune function.

"From a clinical point of view, important individual nutrients that support immunological functions include vitamin A, beta-carotene, zinc, iron, B-vitamins, amino acids (especially arginine and glutamine), polyunsaturated fatty acids, and nucleotides...and all of these essential micronutrients and many more are found abundantly in Wild Bluegreen™ Algae." Jeffrey J. Bruno Ph. D, Edible Microalgae: A Review of The Health Research

What the Research Reveals

Below is a summary of studies published in the January 2000 edition of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, (JANA) Vol. 2, No.3.; Consumption of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) Has Rapid Effects on the Circulation of and Function of Immune Cells in Humans. Gitte S. Jensen, Ph. D. The algae used in this study was New Earth’s Wild Bluegreen™ Algae.

The research revealed that consuming New Earth’s Wild Bluegreen™ Algae restored normal function to the natural killer (NK) cells of the human immune system. NK cells are a unique subset of cells within our immune system. Their primary function is to look for pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, and diseased cells in the blood, lymph, tissues, and organs of the human body. When such foreign or diseased substances are located, the NK cells secrete biochemicals that neutralize these substances, rendering them harmless. The next step is to eliminate the neutralized substances by transporting them to the various organs and systems responsible for waste removal from the body.

The research reveals that Wild Bluegreen™ Algae contains enough of the right nutritional stuff to keep our entire legion of NK cells awake, alert, and fully empowered. There is no system in the human body that is more dedicated to our comprehensive protection and defense than our immune system. The NK cells are an essential component of this amazing internal defense department.

The Gut-Brain-Immune Connection

The most current scientific and nutritional research reveals a direct connection between our immune system and our digestive system. It has been discovered that a component of our immune system resides within the lining of our intestine. These lymphocyte locations, called Peyer’s Patches, have a direct link to our brain and nervous system, and represent a comprehensive communication network with every cell, organ, and system of our body. Thus, the experience of having a “gut reaction” to either positive or negative influences in our diet and lifestyle is no longer just a metaphor, but a scientific fact.

"Your digestive tract is the largest immune system in your body! We usually think of the GI (gastrointestinal tract) as the place where our food is digested and then discarded. But the gut is a very active immune center, containing more than 80 percent of the antibody-producing cells in our entire body. These ‘Peyer’s Patches’ in the gut lining generate the plasma cells that manufacture our antibodies, the immune artillery that protects us from invaders. Your immune system is a vast military service fighting a never-ending war! The gut marshals several different kinds of defenses to protect us from the outside world, which literally comes inside our bodies through our food, water and air. Immune functions can be compared to munitions factories, artillery, hidden attackers, sentries, and even security guards that check ID. Our first line of defense against any foreign invasion is in our digestive tract." Michael Rosenbaum, M.D. Immunity Against Invaders, from the book Optimal Digestion, chapter 4.

Everything and anything we can do to improve the proper functioning of our digestive systems will also improve the functioning of our immune systems…and our “thinking systems,” too. These systems working together create a comprehensive first line of defense against all foreign substances, including toxins, pathogens, carcinogens, free radicals, and others. The very best thing we can do under these circumstances is to nourish and support the optimum functioning of these interdependent systems by making better nutritional choices every day throughout the day. Our very best defense is a sound nutritional offense...always.

Steps to Improve Our Digestive System

Consume New Earth Digestive Enzymes and Enzymes Plus, before, during, after, and in between meals. Every function of our body is assisted in part by the presence of enzymes. Digestive enzymes are responsible for breaking down and liquefying our food. Only in this fully digested and liquid state can the important nutrients in the all the foods that we consume become available to be absorbed into our cells, tissues and organs. This includes the cells that make up our immune systems.

Consume New Earth Probiotics. "Friendly bacteria", such as Acidophilus, Bifidus and Spectrabiotic are absolutely essential components of a healthy and fully functioning digestive system. These beneficial bacteria restore and maintain vital ph balances, secrete essential B-vitamins, allow for the proper absorption and assimilation of nutrients, allow for the proper elimination of waste, and produce their own natural and very powerful antibiotics.

The human body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair and defend itself when given natural, high quality full spectrum nutrition.
The Journey to Better Nutrition

For more action steps, read The Habits of Naturally Healthy People

Join us in our Journey to Better Nutrition

Experience the Journey to Better Nutrition. This guide to eating, living and feeling better more fully explains these new scientific and nutritional discoveries, and makes common sense suggestions about improving the rest of our diet and lifestyle. Take the next step in your own personal journey! Learn more about Enzymes and Probiotics. And remember: better nutrition is always the best response!

Russell Mariani
Nutrition Counselor and Health Educator

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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