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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements

What the research reveals about our amazing products and about the exciting field of nutrition in general.

In a nutshell, what the research reveals is this:

  • The human body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair and defend itself when given natural, high quality full spectrum nutrition.
  • New Earth's Wild BlueGreen™ ( Aphanizomeon flos-aqua , AFA) is a rare food plant with unique biomodulating capabilities.

Why is this significant?

Good question.

Let's define the concept of nutritional biomodulation:

(Please hang in there with us for just a few minutes…this is very important information that can make a real difference in your New Earth product experience!)

A biomodulator is a nutritional substance that seems to increase the synergy of the human body. Synergy means that the whole is much more than the mere sum of the parts. The synergy of the human body is a fancy way of saying that everything is working better because everything is more connected, cooperating, and flowing. When synergy is taking place inside the human body, (or anywhere else for that matter) it starts to feel like a different reality, where one plus one always equals more than two!

When synergy is taking place, there is little or no observable obstruction in the way of more optimum and near perfect internal functioning. By providing a full spectrum of balanced micro-nutrients, a biomodulating food succeeds in nourishing all the parts of the body, (cells, organs, tissues systems) and by so doing provides the opportunity for the whole body to function much closer to its original design, structure, function and purpose.

Nutritional biomodulation is hugely important in understanding how and why and what makes the New Earth products so unique. Nutritional biomodulation is also hugely important in helping to explain why paying attention to the rest of your diet and lifestyle is one of the keys to complete customer satisfaction on the journey to better nutrition!

Nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals

Nutritional biomodulation from various foods and supplements is very different from the active effect of most drugs and pharmaceutical substances. Most pharmaceutical substances target very, very specific biochemical functions either by attempting to "turn on" (stimulant drugs) or "turn off" (depressant drugs) various parts and pieces of our biochemistry. There are always negative biochemical consequences with the introduction of pharmaceutical substances into the human body…always. These consequences are well known to everyone. They are called side effects. There are many other important differences between food grade nutraceutical substances (such as New Earth's Wild BlueGreen™!) and pharmaceutical substances. This is just one of them.

Researcher Gitte S. Jensen Ph.D (and several associates) at the Royal Victoria Hospital, in Montreal, Quebec, wrote the article entitled:

Consumption of Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae Has Rapid Effects on the Circulation and Function of Immune Cells in Humans, with the subtitle: a novel approach to nutritional mobilization of the immune system

This was published in the January, 2000 Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association Vol 2, No.3

What the research reveals is stated as follows, which appears in the conclusion statement of the article:

"Consumption of AFA leads to rapid changes in immune cell trafficking, but not direct activation of lymphocytes. Thus, AFA increases the immune surveillance without directly stimulating the immune system."

What does this mean?

Basically what this means is this: Consuming New Earth's Wild BlueGreen™ restored normal function of the natural killer cells without causing any abnormal stress to the immune system or any other part of the body. This is significant because research on pharmaceutical substances reveals a variety of toxic side effects in exchange for their highly targeted stimulating or depressing activities. And this is the biggest and most important difference between Nutrition and Medicine. (between nutritional biomodulation and pharmacological medicine)

Back to our research conclusion statement:

Natural Killer Cells (NK cells) are a unique subset of cells within our immune system. Known as lymphocytes, their primary function is to constantly lookout for pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, and diseased cells in the blood, lymph and tissues of our body. But wait…they not only perform surveillance duties. These magnificent protectors and defenders of our health are very lethal adversaries indeed. When they are wide awake, they are armed to the teeth and fully capable of identifying, neutralizing, and completely eliminating from the body things that don't belong there.

Without a fully awake and fully empowered legion of NK cells on duty 24 hours a day, we would suffer the slow ravages of a constantly depressed immune system, and a variety of chronic dis-ease conditions and symptoms. Not much fun at all.

What the research reveals is that New Earth's Wild BlueGreen™ Algae contains enough of the right nutritional stuff to keep our entire legion of NK cells fully empowered. The discoveries made about the nutritional impact of New Earth's Wild BlueGreen™ on NK cells in this study (and subsequent studies) have far-reaching implications in our ongoing understanding of the many relationships between nutrition and human health.

Let's conclude this conversation section about what the research reveals with some thoughts about the field of nutrition in general.

What research like this reveals is concrete evidence of a major, long overdue paradigm shift within the scientific research community. Much scientific research and practical clinical study has contributed to the exploration and discovery of the positive and negative influence of pharmacological substances on the various cells, organs, functions, and systems of the human body. Miraculous discoveries have been made in some areas, and not much progress has been made in other areas.

Functional nutrition is based on a variety of traditional health approaches combined with the most sophisticated of modern scientific techniques. Functional nutrition is based on the simple observable phenomena that what we eat affects our health. What a concept!

As we saw in our brief review of New Earth's natural killer cell study, functional nutrition is not trying to stimulate or depress the normal functions of the human body…as all pharmacological substances do…but to nourish, strengthen, build up, and compliment the normal functions of the human body …via better nutritional habits…with the goal of attaining optimal biological functioning and optimum human health.

Here's how author and nutrition consultant Jerry Stine, in the recently published book, Optimal Digestion (Avon Books, 1999, page 5) describes the "new" medicine and the future of functional nutrition:

"The metabolism of food is a primary focus in the new functional and nutritional medicine and now has center stage. Food is now recognized as the primary source of the chemicals we require for life. Our responses to food are an excellent example of bio-chemical individuality, since food is also one of our primary chemical interactions with our environment. We are chemical beings. The way our body reacts to foods and processes them is a significant component of maintaining health or developing illness."

Isn't our journey to better nutrition interesting?

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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