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The subject of nutrition has become of great interest to me. In the past, my interest in learning about how to become healthy developed out of my own personal health challenges. I desperately wanted to feel well again. So, my quest began by educating myself about how to become healthy by sifting through the confusing maze of hundreds of health books, magazine articles, CDs, DVDs and seminars.
I learned that health and vitality can be achieved through some simple and logical principles which conform to the laws of nature. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine did not have access (in the 5th century B.C.) to scanners, X-ray machines, statistical methods of analysis, antibiotics or the different pharmacological treatments, or natural herbal, homeopathic or the naturopathic aids available today. He acted upon what he knew to be important when he stated: Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.
The development of modern therapeutic methods has caused us to forget a little too quickly that the simplest and most important health factor of all is the food we eat. When I stopped looking for answers in all the different health paradigms out there, and listened to my intuition that said "the right foods can and will help my body heal," that is when I started getting better for good. To me, food became a very intimate part of my life. I now chose healthy foods the way nature makes them and I found that such foods contribute greatly to my health and vitality.
When it came to supplements I chose New Earth products because they are principally made from whole foods. What better way to feed my body than to consume high quality, nutrient rich superfoods such as wild mushrooms, wheat grass, organic micro algae, and various sprouted grains and grasses. I found that superfood supplements are an economical and convenient way to ensure that every day I am consuming the entire range of nutrients. I now look at these superfood supplements as nutritional life insurance. They are fantastic sources of vitamins, digestive enzymes, minerals, proteins and trace minerals that are rarely found today in modern-day soils. I am now in my 20th year of consuming the New Earth superfood supplements. What a difference they have made in my health and vitality!
My two Pomeranian dogs; JJ and Johnny, have also been on the superfood supplements for two years now since I adopted them. They have not been to the vet since I adopted them. They are in excellent health.
Now you know my primary strategy: Let food be your medicine and let your supplements be whole food based.
If this simple approach sounds logical, I would like to invite you to explore my website, to learn about these wonderful superfood supplements. You will have the opportunity to learn that the body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair and defend itself when given natural, high quality, full spectrum nutrition. I know from our own experience that the result of eating these superfoods is a remarkable state of health and vitality.
Whether you enjoy eating meat, are on a vegetarian diet, a lactose reduced diet, a vegan diet, whether you are a committed junk-food eater, follow a macrobiotic diet, an athletic performance enhancing diet, or a diet of your own creation, I want to show you the way we are specifically designed to eat in harmony with our long-standing genetic makeup. Take a few minutes and explore my website. Consider trying our superfood supplements. You will be amazed at the positive results you will experience in your health and level of vitality.
Donia Alawi
Seattle, WA
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