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Jessica Laslett - Brown spots on face
I thought I would give the Nutrabeautiful Lotion with Beta Glucan a try after reading the positive reviews from users. I really wasn't expecting the fast, tangible improvements to the quality of my skin from using it. The slightly open pores around my nose and cheeks have completely closed up and the brown spots I had on my face and hands from overexposure to the sun have really faded, generally my skin looks noticeably firmer and smoother. I sound like an advertising commercial! Had I bought the cream hoping for amazing results I may have wondered whether I was convincing myself that I could see a difference in my skin but the fact that I just wanted something to moisturize and still I saw a fast, marked improvement suggests to me that the results must have been pretty drastic.
Jess Laslett
London, UK
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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products. - Pamela May Seattle, WA