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Organics USA-Leaders in WholeFood Supplements

Click for enlargementSue Louie - Skin discoloration

I have been using the New Earth products for more than a year. I'm particularly very impressed with your skin care Nutrabeautiful lotion. I've always had a dark spot on my face and I hated how it stood out and looked like a birth mark. I was recommended to use the Nutrabeautiful Lotion with Beta Glucan. As you can see from my photos, the skin discoloration on my face has diminished greatly. Your Nutrabeautiful lotion is awesome.

Sue Louie
Seattle, WA

If you would like to see the pictures in a larger format, simply click on the picture.

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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