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Nadia Weisbarth - My beautiful baby Alonn
I have been on your algae products for 3 years. Your products supported me during pregnancy and now I have a beautiful baby boy who's name is Alonn. He was born on September 8th, 2006 a full 2.87 kg and 48cm. Today he is 5.7kg and 58cm (at 2 months). We absolutely love him and life changes in ways you cannot imagine. The Joy is intense, but say goodbye to sleep. I am breast feeding so that means Alonn eats every 2-4 hours, including at night, and we are exhausted. Otherwise he is a wonderful and healthy boy, who really only cries when he needs something. Thank you so much for the great nutritional support your products have offered me and will now offer my baby.
June 6, 2007
I just want to share a little story with you. Yesterday, I went to bring Alonn to the Kindergarden. He is going over there while I am working since he is three months old (now he is 9 months old). It is a place with 24 childrens. One of the cook who is working over there daily, told me that she has rarely seen such a beautiful milk as mine (because I am still breastfeeding and I pump my milk everyday before going to work). Apparently, my milk is really rich and have a great color. Alonn doesn't need any complement of other milk. I rarely had a compliment like that one, it makes me so happy to realize that I am giving the best for my son.
We are both really healthy. I am still juicing, and I take all my supplements (algae, probiotics, enzymes). My skin is doing great. Alonn is never sick and he is a very smiley and happy baby. I am sure and positive that my diet and my supplements are major contributors to our good health. With juicing, when Alonn was two months old, I already got back the figure I had before pregnancy. Thank you for teaching me this healthy lifestyle that I am going to teach my son.
Nadia Weisbarth
Brussels, Belgium
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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family. - Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada