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What Health Professionals and animal experts are saying
about New Earth products:

Dr. Michael Lemmon, DVM, Renton, WA, in Common Sense Care for Your Best Friend (available from the Doris Day Animal League) writes:

"Wild Blue Green® Algae is harvested from the pollution-free, mineral-rich Klamath Lake in southern Oregon and processed in its raw state thereby preserving all its nutrients, including its enzymes. This type of algae comes in two basic forms. Bluegreen Body is the whole complete algae providing a high level of nutrition for the whole body. Bluegreen Mind enhances brain activity and mental awareness.

Veterinarians have found this algae to be very helpful in the healing process even for conditions that are difficult to treat. It has also been shown to be helpful in animals for overcoming negative mental and emotional states such as fearfulness and hostile aggressiveness.

This algae product provides the basic essential nutritional support to help restore health in many disease conditions and it helps to maintain a healthy and glossy hair coat. Plus, it is a raw food that doesn't have to be heated during processing as do spirulina and chlorella."

Michael Fox, Animal Doctor, writes a syndicated column that appears in newspapers throughout the United States. Recently his column (which was published in June, with dates varying according to the newspaper carrying his column) included the following section entitled "Nutritional Supplements."

"Several veterinary nutritionists and holistic health practitioners have been using a potent nutritional supplement derived from a naturally grown alga, a form of plant life rich in essential nutrients. Marketed as Wild Blue Green® Algae, it comes in various formulations that include other nutrients, and it has impressed health experts and pet owners with its evident benefits to a variety of animal species (including humans). Various formulations provide nutrient supplements for health maintenance, for animals under stress, for those suffering from certain health problems, for old age and for recovery from illness."

Dr. Ron Bowen, DVM and Dr. Debby Dowen, DVM, Chicago, Illinois writes:

"We are so excited about the Wild Blue Green® Algae. We've seen some real benefits for the immune systems of animals. We had a 12 year old dog brought into the clinic who had been hit by a car. We decided to start him eating Bluegreen Body and the Essentials Enzymes. The dog had to be in a splint for 3 weeks. Every week when he came in to be checked he was looking better and better. His condition and haircut were improving. By the third week his owner was so impressed she started using the same supplements.

  Ron Bowen DVM

The dog's attitude is wonderful. The day he was brought in he bit one of the techs and he didn't want anyone to do anything to him. After a couple of days, even though he was still very sore, there was a major improvement in his behavior. Now when he comes in he even kisses everyone. We also do short nail clips for show dogs. I decided to try sprinkling algae on nails that we quicked to see its effect. It did a wonderful job - so we have switched!"

Dr. Cheryl Peterein, DVM writes:

Dr. Peterein 

"Throughout the past 18 years that I have been practicing veterinary medicine, I have been increasingly concerned with artificial ingredients and preservatives in commercial diets fed to our companion animals. When I found an all natural supplement, Wild Blue Green® Algae, I was shockingly amazed at its beneficial effect on my patients.

I have used New Earth's Wild Blue Green® products on my patients since 1993 and I thank the day I found it. Wild Blue Green® Algae has changed the way I practice and my life!"

Dr. Nancy Bozeman, DVM writes:

"As a veterinarian using alternative therapies for over 12 years, I have looked at many nutritional products in my practice. New Earth's Wild Bluegreen Algae products is the product line that stays in my practice since it gives the results that I need in my patients. I started using Wild Bluegreen Algae on the animals after experiencing the change in my own health. It is wonderful to see the improvement in the animals. Even clients who thought their animals had lovely hair coats are amazed at the further improvement. Of course, the improvement of the hair coat is a reflection of the improvement of internal health.

I always tell my clients that it does not matter what healing modality your medical professional uses-if they do not use superior nutrition then they are not likely to get superior results. I depend on Wild Bluegreen Algae to achieve superior nutrition."

Dr. Madalyn Ward, DVM, Equine Veterinarian writes:

"New Earth has given me such a wide range of natural products: the algae, enzymes, probiotics, and free-radical scavengers, Energize (Q10) and Wild Earth; they've added a whole new dimension to how I help animals.

Healthy working horses benefit from the nutritional support the Wild Blue Green® Algae offers. It helps them maintain proper function of their digestive tract and adrenal glands. The Essentials Blend is also the best hoof supplement I have ever found."


Dr. Mary Walser, VMD, Ph.D., Professor of Pathology, Univ. of Minnesota, Dept. of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine writes:

"As I reflect on our experience with Julia, the word that comes to mind is "resilience." Julia is our 19-year-old cat, and she has been on Wild Bluegreen Algae for over a year. We began feeding her the product when we noticed some decline in her attitude that we attributed to old age. Since then, she has had a number of diagnoses that are common in old cats (hyperthyroidism, cardiomyopathy, recurrent cystitis, and renal disease). We treated her medically and continued the Wild Bluegreen Algae. With each new episode of illness, we know it might be her last. But, she has repeatedly surprised me by bouncing back and continuing her highly spoiled lifestyle.

In recent months, we have added a sprinkle of enzymes to her food. With this addition, her appetite improved (a plus!) and she has had less of a problem with constipation.

In my experience, it's unusual that an old animal is able to repeatedly survive several different health problems. I attribute Julia's survival to both good medical management and to lots of TLC. One of the ways our TLC is manifested is by including Wild Bluegreen Blend and enzymes in her diet."

Carol Bennett, certified animal Bowen therapy instructor. writes:

Carol Bennett 

"With a team of veterinarians and interested individuals, we've helped thousands of animals have a higher quality of life. Sharing the wealth of benefits available through using the full line of nutritional products from New Earth with the animals in your life is one of the most important steps you can take for creating good health for all life."

Linda Tellington-Jones, Author of The Tellington TTouch & TTeam News International. writes:

"In 1990 when my brother Randy Hood came up with the idea of feeding Wild Bluegreen Algae to animals, I responded to his enthusiasm with a 'wait and see' attitude. Today I've shifted from a skeptic to a full supporter of algae for animals. After seeing Kea, Randy's Bichon Frise, change from a hyperactive dog to a calm and energetic delight, I began to appreciate the brilliance of his vision. Then, my sister Robyn experimented with Wild Bluegreen Algae the year she had health problems in her Icelandic horse herd. Now, I feed all my animals New Earth's Wild Blue Green® algae products.

  Linda Tellington Jones

After hearing the remarkable stories of hundreds of TTEAM members about the changes in their dogs, cats and horses from New Earth products, I believe every animal owner would benefit by giving New Earth products a try for themselves and their four-legged friends."

Robyn Hood, Publisher of TTEAM NEWS International writes:

"I have a 20 year old stallion that I have had for eight years. He was very aggressive during breeding season, running the fence line and charging his pen. I started him on half a teaspoon of Essentials Blend each day. Within 48 hours, he calmed down and no longer charged the fence or displayed aggressive behavior...a habit he had all his life. This is the clearest example I have seen of the algae's power and the speed with which it takes effect.

One spring we had a number of foals who were unable to stand on their own and would tire easily when held to nurse. I mixed together Bluegreen Body with Energize (Q10) and gave it to them. There was a noticeable difference and the foals could stand and nurse."

Maureen Fredrickson, Delta Society Program Director, Seattle, WA writes:

"The Delta Society is a national organization promoting animal/humane relationships primarily in the field of animal assisted therapy and health care. When my dog Echo, began to display abnormal behavior eight years ago, I was concerned. He would go through cyclical bouts of licking and chewing himself down to the muscle layer around his tail and hindquarter. Some thought it was a flea allergy. I tried many treatments but nothing worked. Eighteen months ago I began feeding him Wild Blue Green® Algae. The chewing stopped. He is now a handsome ten year old, his coat is gorgeous...no more licking or chewing and no sign of fleas."

Dr. Cheryl Peterein, DVM writes:

Dr. Nancy VanDover DVM 

"I use your whole food supplements for myself and my clients because they are simple and effective. By using a whole food supplement, I've eliminated all those dozens of bottles of vitamins and mineral supplements. Your whole food supplements have everything a body needs in a balanced form and I don't have to worry whether it's being assimilated. It cleanses as well as nourishes.

Personally, I have felt more positive effects from six months of using your whole food supplements than I did from 12 years of taking natural vitamins and minerals... Thank you."

Mark Laskin, 1980 Olympic Gold Medalist writes:

"I started my Grand Prix horses on New Earth's Wild Blue Green® algae products in December of 1995. One very talented horse whom I had specifically targeted for it bordered on lethargy. Competing in the California heat, I worried about him bottoming out and hoped New Earth's Wild Blue Green® algae products could enhance his performance level. The results were amazing! The horse had more stamina and could compete back-to-back on consecutive days, which had been impossible before. He maintained his energy level allowing me to work him harder in the practice ring and in the arena as well. In the future, any Grand Prix horse I have will eat Wild Blue Green® Algae."

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I GAVE MY GRANDPARENTS A KITTEN FOR CHRISTMAS, but when I got her, she was on antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. Although it went away at first, it soon came back. When I talked to the veterinarian, she said the infection might never go away completely. When I got home, I put Sunny on the enzymes and algae products. Not only has she grown quickly, developed an incredible coat and lots of energy, but also the infection has not been a problem
- Janet Frank
Murrieta, CA

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