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About Our Resource Library

Knowledge is power. If you have the knowledge about why degenerative conditions develop and knowledge about how to gain vitality, create superior health, overcome sickness and achieve higher energy levels, you will know what to do and how to do it to lead a healthy lifestyle. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are your own best health guide.

It's time that you learn what to do to take care of your miraculous body; a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair, and defend itself. The knowledge you will gain from these articles will teach you how to make ongoing effective decisions that will take you towards regeneration instead of degeneration.

The articles in this resource library are written with the philosophy that Hippocrates advocated more than two thousand years ago: "Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food." We know that it can get confusing, searching for, finding and evaluating information about your health concerns. This is why we've done the work for you. We’ve read hundreds of books, listened to hundreds of audio tapes, watched hundreds of videos and attended many seminars in order to provide you with articles that are:

  • Informative
  • Logical
  • Simple to understand
  • Specific and to the point

Our goal is to be your primary source of knowledge about health and vitality, so expect to find practical answers to your questions that will work in your life and contribute to your quest for optimal health.



"I´ve been using Wild Bluegreen Body products personally and in my nutritional practice since 1988. They are the most comprehensive and alive nutritional supplements that I´ve ever found. They are food; they are all round vitamin & mineral supplements; and they contain that unspoken certain something that maybe science will never even find "life force". This is so evident to me, even after 18 years of personal use, and having observed the many people I´ve recommended it to in my practice. The energy is transforming. You know the old adage "if I could only take one thing with me on a desert island, it would be Wild Bluegreen Body". I´m never without a packet of algae capsules in my coat pocket.
- Dr. Laura Thompson, Naturopathic Endocrinologist
Southern Calif. Institute of Clinical Nutrition

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