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Click for enlargementDog´s testimony - Shani - kidneys failure survivor

I want you all to know that I have one yorkie named Shani, who is a liver shunt survivor and now she is in kidney failure (Feb. 2008). Just got her blood test back and they are not that bad. Not any worse then three months ago. I was told almost two years ago that she was in her early stages of kidney disease. I think she is doing good for having it this long. I guess it is the way I feed her. Only organic foods and the New Earth supplements.

Shani's coat has really come back to very shinny and she has gotten so beautiful.

Barbara Inabnit
Auburn, WA

November 2008
I just wanted to share my day with you. Shani turned 15 years old today. We never thought she would make it this far. She is a liver shunt survivor and has had kidney disease now for three years. My vet says Shani is a miracle dog. She can't believe how she has fared. She says Shani is the only dog she has treated with dialysis that has lasted this long. Shani has been on the Simplexity Health products since the year 2000. Here is my wonderful Furbaby Shani Bear. My very first yorkie.

Barbara and Shani
Auburn, WA
November 2008
To enlarge the photo, simply click on the image.

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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