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Click for enlargementLisa Trieu - My Downs Syndrome Baby with Ventrical Septal Defect

In September 2007, Lisa called me to let me know that she is the proud mommy of a baby girl but that her baby was a Downs Syndrome baby. She asked me if there was anything that can be done to help her baby. Since she was breast feeding the baby, I set up a supplement program for her of probiotics, enzymes, Wild Bluegreen Algae, Q10 and Wild Earth and stressed the fact that she has to take large quantities of these supplements so her baby can get the benefits through her breast milk. The emphasis was on large amounts of the Q10 and the Wild Earth (6 Q10 and 6 Wild Earth a day). I also recommended to put a pinch of our acidophilus in the baby's mouth every day and slowly increase to one capsule a day.

In November I received this email from her which is about additional health challenges for her baby.

So we just got back from the cardiologist and he diagnosed her with Ventrical Septal Defect. The hole is too big to close on it's own and she will need surgery by the time she is 1yr old. The doctor also wants her to start a vaccination called Synagis that prevents RSV some type of lung infection that could cause pneumonia. (she didn't do any vaccinations based on her research on the Internet leading her to learn about the harmful side effects of that particular vaccination).

Here comes the good news.....
My daughter has changed so much since I started taking this new mix of New Earthâ„¢ supplements! Her doctors and therapists are even amazed at how well she's developing (at the right level for her age). She's 3 months old now and it's so wonderful to see her be more interactive. She looks like a completely different baby. Her complexion is clear and rosy. Thank you so much for your help.
Lisa Trieu
Auburn, WA

Starting November 15th, I recommended to put some alpha powder (1/2 capsules) and to squeeze the content of one Q10 into the baby's mouth daily

More good news....
In addition to the progress my daughter has made...she saw her cardiologist this morning and he discovered a small piece of tissue that has started to form to cover the hole. The hole is still pretty big and he told us not to get our hopes up but we'll keep monitoring it to see what it ends up doing. I'm looking forward to having her continually progress with her Downs Syndrome and her heart.

More good news....
Natasha just got done seeing her cardiologist.He said she seems to be growing and thriving so we don't have to have the heart surgery right away. That's excellent news because I was hoping she won't have to have a surgery when she's only 6 months old. So far so good.....

We saw the cardiologist last Tuesday and he discovered a 3rd hole in the upper chamber. He's not concerned about the 2 in the upper chambers and will intervene if it doesn't close up by the time she's 3. The lower hole is a huge hole but there is evidence it has started to close up!!!! There is a piece of tissue that lays across the hole and is attached to either side but not top or bottom so blood is still leaking through from the top and bottom of this piece of tissue. The blood is crossing over is smaller in volume now. The doctor said he is surprised she is doing so well (developmentally) and from his years of experience, the hole (because of it's location) should not have started to close up! He's never seen this happen. The doctor told us to keep doing what we are doing and to come back in 3 months! I take Renew on a regular basis but it's just too hard to get it in her, especially now that she's older and will fight me (she will scream bloody murder and scratch me). She's fiesty and I love it because she's not lethargic like most Downs Syndrome babies are.

Update 12/10/08
We saw the cardiologist 1 month ago and he told us Natasha's hole in the upper chamber of her heart is almost completely sealed!!!! The bottom hole has not changed in size since April so we're going to continue to monitor it. It bought us more time before having to have surgery. Hurray.

Update 8/15/09

We saw the cardiologist yesterday and wanted to share an update. Natasha's top hole in heart is almost completely closed! Her bottom hole is still pretty big but smaller than it was during our last visit. She now weighs 20.84 pounds (25% on the Down Syndrome growth chart) and is 31.5 inches tall (50-75% on the DS growth chart). Her doctor is really happy to see her so active with lots of energy. He doesn't see any signs that the holes are giving her problems. As long as she remains healthy and continues to grow, then he only wants to keep a watch on her heart. This means we don't need surgery right now, and hopefully never. I'm so glad her doctor is not the pushy type and is giving Natasha's body time to heal.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and healing thoughts.

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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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