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Click for enlargementRuby the cow and her healthy raw milk

As a 25 year healthy and happy consumer of New Earth Wild Bluegreen algae it
should come as no surprise that Ruby, my beautiful 3 year old pasture fed jersey cow, is enjoying the algae as well! Her coat is beautiful
and shinny, her milk is absolutely the best in the Willamette Valley (or maybe all of Oregon), she is calm, healthy and easy to milk. I truly
believe her fresh raw milk tastes so superior because of the micro-nutrition in the organic micro algae. Just like with fruits and veggies, when the flavor is superb, you know the nutritional content is superb also! There will be more benefits to come from feeding the algae to Ruby. In a year or two I can't wait to see the results in my garden.

Also, it should be noted that at almost 58 years young I have the energy and stamina to start a small healthy farm. Chickens, cows, garden,
remodeling and more ..... thanks to healthy living and the organic micro algae!

Linda Ellis, NTP
Nutritional Therapy Practicioner
Good Earth Farm and Nutritional Healing
Salem, Oregon
click on photo to enlarge

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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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