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The Nicaragua Report
Study on the Effects of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on the Nutritional Status and School Performance of First, Second and Third Grade Children Attending the Mosenor Velez School in Nandaime, Nicaragua. July 1995
Author(s): Irma Sevilla, Nereyda Aguirre
A study to determine the effects of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on the nutritional status and school performance of first, second, and third grade children attending the Monsenor Velez School in Nandaime, Nicaragua, was conducted from June through December 1994 under the auspices of the Centro Comunitario in Nandaime and the Central American University in Nicaragua.
A secondary objective of the study was to educate the population about the use of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, basic nutrition, eating practices and about the value of the project.
Conclusions: Although this research was conducted under sparse conditions with a minimum of resources, the researchers were able to achieve a thorough degree of control over the study conditions and accuracy of its conclusions. Based on the findings of this study, the researchers conclude that:
- Eating Aphanizomenon flos-aquae improves the nutritional status of children considerably, reducing the prevalence of malnutrition.
- School attendance, attitude and participation in class change positively due to the nutritional contribution of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae.
- The clinical signs of malnutrition present in the children of the study group were reduced with the use of organic microalgae.
- The children got ill less frequently, became more interested in academic activities, and their school attendance improved.
- The study reflects the impact and health benefits of nutritional education, which led to the participant's acceptance of the algae.
"As I reflect on our experience with Julia, the word that comes to mind is "resilience." Julia is our 19-year-old cat, and she has been on Bluegreen Body algae for over a year. We began feeding her the product when we noticed some decline in her attitude that we attributed to old age. Since then, she has had a number of diagnoses that are common in old cats (hyperthyroidism, cardiomyopathy, recurrent cystitis, and renal disease). We treated her medically and continued the Bluegreen Body. With each new episode of illness, we know it might be her last. But, she has repeatedly surprised me by bouncing back and continuing her highly spoiled lifestyle. In recent months, we have added a sprinkle of enzymes to her food. With this addition, her appetite improved (a plus!) and she has had less of a problem with constipation. In my experience, it´s unusual that an old animal is able to repeatedly survive several different health problems. I attribute Julia´s survival to both good medical management and to lots of TLC. One of the ways our TLC is manifested is by including algae and enzymes in her diet." - Dr. Mary Walser, VMD, Ph.D Professor of Pathology, Univ. of Minnesota