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Antimutagenic Properties of Fresh Water Blue-Green Algae
Folia Microbiol (Praha), 39 (4), 1994, 301-303
Author(s): N. Lahitova, M. Doupovcova, J. Zvonar, J. Chandoga, G. Hocman
The antimutagenic properties of whole fresh-water blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, marketed under the commercial "Alpha Sun" were tested using the Ames test. Simultaneous addition of both algae and Nitrovin (a mutagen) to the test medium did not reduce the mutagenic activity. On the other hand, addition of freeze-dried blue-green algae to the test medium 2-24 h before the application of mutagen reduced it mutagenic activity.
Our friends, Roger and Betty, visited their son in Florida and found his 11-year-old dog suffering with severe hip problems. Roger asked if they could provide Animal Algae for the dog. After two or three weeks, the dog was frisky and playful again. Roger wasn´t surprised since New Earth products are helping him, too! - Barb and Doral Clark Sauk City, Wisconsin