Healthy Futures

Welcome! This site belongs to Deanna Leslie - Simplexity Health Associate


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...billions of tons of the Earth's precious topsoil are washed away and sources of potable water disappear;

...three species of animals vanish into extinction and the holes in the ozone get bigger;

...50 acres of rainforest are reduced to ash and a million tons pollutants are discharged into the air;

EACH MINUTE... acre of farmland is overwhelmed by desert sand and 100 children die of starvation.

We'll get no second chance. Now more than at any other time in history, the world needs hope and active caring. Our products bring this molecule of hope to people, allowing them to tap into their full range of resources to raise themselves and the world up to a higher level. Our products have the power to help restore the integrity of our soil, air, and health. Simply by sharing the products - some of the most nutritious dietary supplements on Earth - you can provide that hope and help bring balance back to the Earth and to our lives.

To learn where we're making a difference in the world, review the links below:
>> New Earth Give Incentives
>> Community Involvement - A High Priority
>> A Green Business Investing in Restoration & Community

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Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved SHF Group :: Web site originally created by Moving Pixel Productions

This website has been redesigned by: The Mastered Web

The Healthy Futures System does not condone the use of UCE (Unsolicited commercial email) and spam. Group members are strictly prohibited from using spam in their marketing efforts, and are subject to immediate termination
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The New Earth logo, trademarked names, phrases and images are used with permission from New Earth.

A New Earth Independent Associate site