Healthy Futures

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Flexible Hours

Working on your own lets you put in a forty-hour work week in as few as twenty actual work hours. Think about it a bit. During a typical eight-hour day of work, how much of that time are you working at peak performance and how much of that time are you barely working at all? How much time do you waste just staring into space as you try to get yourself motivated to do the day's work?

When you work for yourself, you can design a day that works perfectly for you. For example, if your "down' time is between two to four P.M., a time when you feel least productive, you can schedule that time to run personal errands or even make the beds. You can schedule work that requires enthusiasm, such as new business calls for your "up" times when you feel up to working at top and efficient speed. And you can schedule routine activities, such as filling out forms or filing paperwork during a time when your energy level is neither up nor down, but somewhere in between.

When you are self-employed you are in control of your day and every minute within that day.

Kaeter, Margaret. (2003). Everything Network Marketing Book. Avon:         MA. Adams Media Corporation.

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