Healthy Futures

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John and Peggy Edwards joined New Earth in June 1994, and decided the products were so beneficial to their health that they wanted to share them with anyone who came within talking distance. They reached Executive in three months, and the Emerald gemstone title soon after.

John had been diagnosed with throat cancer in 1978 (two tumors) even though he was a non-smoker and drank very little. At the time, he was the North American marketing vice president for an American company. John underwent major neck surgery and radiation as a result of the cancer.

After his treatment, he experienced constant acid reflux after meals, despite a significant change of lifestyle. He also experienced continuous low-energy levels, even after taking various "super vitamins."

After 18 years of low energy, acid reflux and upset stomach, John added New Earth's Original Formula Enzymes to his diet and began to enjoy good digestion again. He was prompted to try other New Earth products and quickly experienced a renewed high-energy level that is still with him today.

Peggy had been sick for 30 years with chronic bronchitis, swollen legs, breathing problems and food allergies. After three months on the New Earth products, Peggy was able to eat foods she has not eaten in years. At 80 years old, John and Peggy have the strength and energy to walk two miles nearly every day.

Doing the business has given them the opportunity to supplement their pensions and enjoy a lifestyle that would not have been possible without their New Earth commission checks. Despite the demise of the Canadian dollar they are doing well…largely because they have a group of personally sponsored customers who have been purchasing on a regular basis for the past five years.

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"Doing the business has given us the opportunity to supplement our pensions and enjoy a lifestyle that would not have been possible without our New Earth commission checks."
John and
Peggy Edwards, Richmond,
British Columbia, Canada

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