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I decided to become a health coach last year because I truly love helping others achieve major breakthroughs in their life that will last forever. The last two years, I’ve worked on myself mind, body and soul. No one is broken, we just need an update in our wiring.
I resolved my own health problems through an appropriate nutritional approach, and I want to share my story with everyone in hopes of making a positive difference in someone’s life.
On August 22, 2018, I was told that I had a homogeneous mass on my thyroid as well as nodules that were under control for years but had become very enlarged. I’m 47 years old and have always had perfect annual wellness visits, I’ve never had more than the flu but for the last few months, I felt terrible. Constantly fatigued, my throat felt hoarse, body aches especially in my legs at night along with heart palpitations. It felt like I had the flu all the time except for having no fever. I was so scared especially when the I felt my neck and could feel lumps protruding, my stomach sank. I didn’t hesitate and immediately called my doctor.
My doctor was very concerned, she sent me for a sonogram that same day. She also wanted me to go for a biopsy as well as to an endocrinologist. For the first time ever, all my blood levels were off. She mentioned to me that I would probably be put on thyroid medication which did not thrill me because I do not believe in medication unless it’s in a life-saving situation. Rather, I believe our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself given the proper nutrients and environment.
I thought to myself, Did I start taking something new? Then a light bulb went off! I knew what caused the nodules to blow up and my thyroid to malfunction. Four months prior to this happening I started taking soy capsules. I didn’t quite listen to my mentor who stressed that a small amount of soy from a natural food source like tofu or tempeh is fine to help balance estrogen naturally instead I opted for the quick way and bought natural soy capsules. In my research I found that if you have cysts or nodules the soy will enlarge them. BBBBINNNNGGGO!!!!!!!!
I knew I had to strengthen my immune system which all stemmed from getting my gut, liver elimination process and kidneys functioning properly again.
I made appointments for both the biopsy and sono but in the days that followed I called my mentor because I knew that this could be dealt with naturopathically, so I cancelled my appointments and gave myself 3 months to heal.
She had already coached me in how to reverse my dog´s colitis/IBS all naturally in 8 months, so I knew it was possible to reverse whatever was going on with me. I completely changed my diet, stopping taking bio-identical hormones which I thought was the healthiest way to balance my hormones since I was going through menopause and added much needed plant-based supplements like probiotics and enzymes both with micro-blended algae to my diet. I had already stopped taking Hydrocort which was to help maintain a healthy cortisol level but what I didn’t realize was that Hydrocort contained steroids and even though a very low dose, it was causing havoc on my liver and now I knew where the weight gain came from too.
Since I changed my diet and started the ramp up process of my plant-based supplements on August 23, 2018, I went back to the doctor for retesting on December 24, 2018, 4 months later and as I expected my thyroid function is back to normal, the mass and nodules have shrunk more than half their size. I also went from 151lbs which was the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life down to now 134 lbs. I feel super energized and focused, no more lack of energy, fatigue or brain fog! I will add that the first month was not easy because my body was in what is called a “healing crisis” and in other words, full on detox mode.
I found that unprocessed, organic and non-GMO food is the solution. I learned how certain foods affect the body negatively and concluded that in order to be healthy, each person needs an individualized nutritional plan and a functional nutrition approach is the key.
A nutritional protocol utilizing healthy food options to help my clients achieve healthier, improved and more active lives as well as reach their health and fitness goals. Weight loss is just one of the effects of this approach, the health benefits are numerous and among them are healing ailments and treat inflammation, all while enjoying delicious and nutritious food.
My coaching is not limited to only weight loss, I can assist you with achieving whatever goals you want to have come to fruition. Balancing blood sugar in my Diabetes Program, Naturally Restore Your Thyroid Health, Naturally Balance Your Hormones, great coping strategies for stress and so much more.
I also coach pet owners on restoring their dogs and cats health, all naturally. I have helped many pet owners restore their pet’s health. This truly brings me so much joy to see that I am bringing inner peace to people’s lives when they see their beloved pets thriving again, no longer in pain and distress.
Why Live An Ordinary Life When You Can Live An Extraordinary One!
Give your Pet’s a Longer Life Span & Put an End to Weekly Vet Visits!
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