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Emanuela Visone

Click for enlargementDr. Betty Thalody - My children no longer have eczema

I believe that there is no other blessing in this life than to live without pain, medicine, doctors and hospital- A PAIN FREE LIFE.

When I look at my grand parents, their life style and the diet, it makes sense to me why they are so healthy.

The realisation that the current generation is the shortest lived generation in history is so scary. If ignorance is the reason, education can help, but nothing can be done if it is due to negligence.

By nature I never let anybody pass me with tears in their eyes. I feel that I must do something to educate the ignorant on the importance of diet, lifestyle and supplements in daily life.

When I changed my "far-from-natural life style" to a "close to nature life style" I experienced immense health. I agree that "green inside is clean inside" as I saw my children recover from eczema with fresh home-made green juice, green soup and green supplements.

When we live in a toxic world, daily intake of supplements especially greens, probiotics and anti oxidants are necessary to compensate for it. Thank you for your wonderful wholefood supplements.

Dr. Betty Thalody
Sydney, Australia
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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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