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Healthy Futures


One can make the case for the principle of digestion by the simple observation that every form of life is food for some other form of life. Everything in life is in the process of digesting or being digested, everything changes and nothing stays the same. Biological life is one perpetual center of birth, life, death, and rebirth. Everything in life is in the process of being and becoming everything else in life. These endless biological cycles go on and on. What is the common ground in these cycles and biological life forms? Mealtime. Where would life be without food and digestion? The quality of our life and health is determined by our ability to digest, absorb, and assimilate the various circumstances of our lives including ordinary foods and beverages. Extraordinary health may be defined as the ability to digest anything.

Life is a Meal

Action Steps to take for Principle Three: Digestion

Think about mealtime...and these seven most basic and essential menu items: sunlight, water, oxygen, macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, movement, and rest. Make a decision and a commitment right now to focus on one of these areas in your own life for the next week. Identify the most obvious insult in this area, and decide upon a strategy that will correct it.

Do you have questions?

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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