Welcome! This site belongs to Extreme Vitality, specializing in Whole Food Supplements



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Healthy Futures

How To Place Your Order

To place your order for any of our products, please follow these three steps:


Choose which products you'd like to order. Entire Product List


Choose to be a Retail Customer or open an account as:
a Preferred Customer or a Business Associate.

Retail Customer:

  • Pay Retail Prices
  • No AutoShip Required

Preferred Customer:

  • Save 10% Over Retail Prices
  • 100% Free Membership
  • Required AutoShip: at least $50 monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly

Business Associate:

  • Pay Wholesale prices (save 20%)
  • One time required membership fee - $99
  • Annual membership renewal fee - $59


Choose one of the ordering options below:


Option #1 Order Online
You can go directly to New Earth's Ordering Page by Clicking Here where you can do your online shopping. Please note: it is very important that you use this link, as New Earth does NOT allow orders to be placed without a sponsor. Thank you.

Option #2 Order by Telephone
Call New Earth directly... 1-800-800-1300
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST
The order operator will ask you for my information:

  Sponsor's name: Liza Pedraza
  Sponsor's number: 2286318

Option #3 Contact Me.
I'm here to help you. If you'd like help placing your order or have some questions, please contact me here.

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Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved SHF Group :: Web site originally created by Moving Pixel Productions

This website has been redesigned by: The Mastered Web

The Healthy Futures System does not condone the use of UCE (Unsolicited commercial email) and spam. Group members are strictly prohibited from using spam in their marketing efforts, and are subject to immediate termination
Formal complaint click here

The New Earth logo, trademarked names, phrases and images are used with permission from New Earth.

A New Earth Independent Associate site