Physiology tells us that 75 percent of our body is composed of water. This means that 75 percent
of our cells, tissues, and organs are made up of water. Brain cells are
made up of almost 85 percent water.
We have been attempting to draw
the comparison that our body has more similarities to the earth and its
various ecosystems than to almost anything else...especially the comparison to any
machine. The surface of the earth is also composed of 75 percent water.
The constant transformation of water from solid-ice-liquid and rain-gas-vapor-,
is the primary regulating factor in weather. Think of the symptoms of health and dis-ease as
various manifestations of weather inside our body. Water is a major
factor in the underlying regulation and control of our internal biological functioning, or
Just like the earth itself, we have our own hydrologic cycle, and its fluctuations,
regulations, and proper daily maintenance represents one of the most significant
opportunities we have to affect our health and well-being.
As we have stated many times in many places throughout our Journey...when it comes to
minimizing disappointment and frustration and optimizing desirable benefits and results
during the period of adjustment phase of everyone’s new Cell Tech product experience nothing
we have ever discovered is more important to everyone’s most successful outcome than this:
proper daily hydration.
No one seriously believes that water isn’t an important nutrient, however, the integrity gap
that now exists between having this knowledge and applying this knowledge correctly seems to
get wider and wider every day. Everyone agrees that water is important, but very few of us
truly understand exactly why water is so important, and exactly how to apply this knowledge
and turn this knowledge into consistent daily benefits and very desirable results for
ourselves and others.
Here are some revealing excerpts taken from the book Your Body’s Many Cries
for Water by the world’s foremost authority on water, F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.*
"Chronic dehydration is the root cause of most degenerative diseases of the human body."
"Morning sickness of the mother is a thirst signal of both the fetus and the mother."
"The human body can become dehydrated even when abundant water is readily available. Humans
seem to lose their thirst sensation and the critical perception of needing to drink more
water. Not recognizing this need, they become gradually, increasingly, and then chronically
dehydrated with age."
"Further confusion lies in the idea that when we’re thirsty, we can substitute tea, coffee,
fruit juices, or alcohol containing beverages...this is a very common error!"
"The dry mouth is the very last sign of dehydration. The body can suffer from dehydration
even when the mouth may be fairly moist. Still worse, in the elderly, the mouth can be seen
to be obviously dry and yet thirst may not be acknowledged and satisfied."
"Products manufactured in the brain cells are transported on waterways to their destination
in the nerve ending for use in the transmission of messages. There seem to exist small
waterways or micro-streams along the length of nerves that float the packaged materials
along guidelines called micro-tubules."
"Proteins and enzymes in the body function more efficiently in solutions of lower viscosity;
(ie in situations of less drag and more fluidity) This is true of all the receptors in the
cell membranes. In solutions of higher viscosity (ie more drag and less fluidity brought
on by dehydration) proteins and enzymes become less efficient."
"Water, (the universal solvent) regulates all functions of the human body, including the
activity of all the nutrients-in-solution (called solutes) it carries around."
"Your body needs an absolute minimum of six to eight 8 ounce glasses of water every single
day. (about two quarts) Thirst should be satisfied at all times. A more precise formula
would be this: half your body weight in ounces, daily."
"Dark colored urine is a good sign of serious dehydration. The normal color of urine should
not be dark. It should be somewhere between very light yellow to almost colorless.
(some will say straw colored, or the color of lite beer) If urine begins to become dark
yellow, or even orange in color, you are dehydrated. It means the kidneys are working hard
to get rid of toxins in the body in very concentrated urine. This is not good." Page 158
"Do not drown yourself in water either! Build up to the minimum levels gradually over the
course of several days. The cells of the body are like sponges and it takes some time
before they become better hydrated again." Page 159
"A salt-free diet is utterly stupid. Salt is a most essential ingredient in the human body.
In order of their importance; oxygen, water, salt, and potassium rank as the primary elements
for the survival of the human body. About 27% of the salt content of the body is stored in
the bones in the form of crystals. It is said that salt crystals are naturally used to make
bones hard. Thus salt deficiency in the body could also be responsible for the development
of osteoporosis. Salt will be taken out of the bones to maintain its vital normal levels in
the blood."
"For every two quarts of water you drink (per day) you should add about one half teaspoon of
sea salt. (Add it to the water) Low salt intake will contribute to a build-up of acidity
in some cells. High acidity in the cell can damage the DNA structure and be the initiating
mechanism for cancer formation in some cells. Experiments have shown that quite a number of
cancer patients have low salt levels in their body."
"Cramps in unexercised muscles most often means a salt shortage in your body. Dizziness and
feeling faint are indicators of salt and water shortage in the body."
"You should pass a volume of urine every day that is approximately equal to the amount of
water you drink per day."
In conclusion...
Proper hydration of the human body through consuming the right amount of room
temperature, and purified water every day is a fundamental
requirement for better health. Got Water?
Use Common Sense and experiment. Find out what works best for you and take nothing for
granted, especially the advice of any "experts". Test everything yourself first and then
decide. Don’t just experiment once, half-heartedly, then shut the
door. Keep experimenting until you discover what works best for you.
Share your discoveries with others, including us, and remember,
this journey of is supposed to be fun...keep smiling.
*There may be some health, nutrition, and medical "experts" who will take
exception to Dr. Batman’s water prescription (one half your body
weight in ounces, daily). This is to be expected, and in fact, is
a good thing. Based on the information we have been sharing, we
always advise maintaining a healthy skepticism towards prescriptions
of any kind. Like everything else we advocate and suggest under
the umbrella of our proactive nutritional paradigm, we encourage
you to take this information, and all information, with a grain
of salt (no pun intended).
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