Common sense start-up guidelines for
New Earth's nutritional products
Start slowly. One capsule a day for the first few days or less.
Increase or build up gradually. Dont rush. Your body knows
exactly what to do. Your job is to provide the basic nutrient raw
materials, including exercise, attitude, rest, and water. Dont
interfere. Add a capsule or tablet every third or fourth day, or
slower. Add or adjust your other complimentary habits slowly too.
Determine your pace by how you feel, what youve learned,
by your budget, or some other relevant criteria. Just remember this:
your body is experiencing significant benefits from your actions
whether you feel anything or not...research confirms this.
Start with one product and one habit at a time. Add a new product
(or habit) every other week, or every other month, or whatever makes
sense to you; whatever feels comfortable to you. Be flexible. Nothing
is set in stone. This is nutrition not medicine. Experiment...if
you want to go faster, thats up to you. If you want to start
with two products or five products and change all your insulting
habits overnight...thats up to you. This is your program.
You are ultimately responsible for its design, execution and results.
Have fun! Life is short and laughter is nutritious. Stay in conversation
with your New Earth Sponsor and let us know if you have any questions,
insights or both. Let us know how you are doing and how we can help.