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Click for enlargementHorse´s testimony - Musashi

The following is a report of experiences we have had feeding organic micro algae to Musashi:

Our three and a half year old Egyptian Arabian Gelding, Musashi, grew approximately 3" in seven months. This is very rapid growth. His body filled out as well, his coat grew shinier and healthier, and he became very muscular and handsome. His self-confidence grew immensely and at the same time he developed a more gentle nature. Musashi has eaten your organic micro algae daily for the last seven months and we are certain that this food is directly responsible for his incredible condition and character!

Charles Hugus,
Crystal Court Farm

To enlarge the photos, simply click on the image.

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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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