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Click for enlargementHannah Ineson - scar tissue is almost undetectable!

Several years ago I fell in a bike accident and broke 3 ribs. Over the years, scar tissue built up. The result was occasionally I had a great deal of discomfort, making it difficult to walk or run comfortably. After adding Renew™ to my daily New Earth supplement program, I could feel the difference. After 2 months, the scar tissue is almost undetectable. Of course I also consume other New Earth products, but this simple addition to my routine made a huge difference.

Hannah Ineson
Click on photo to enlarge

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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