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Click for enlargementAbbie McClung - Pregnancy with New Earth Products

I have been regularly consuming a broad array of New Earth products for half my life (since I was 17 years old), and can say with absolute certainty that the power of prevention is immeasurable! I have a strong immune system, lots of energy, and have no need to see a doctor (except during pregnancy, of course). I have also enjoyed two healthy pregnancies after the age of 30. Over the last 17 years, I have regularly increased my product consumption based on current life circumstances. When I was working full-time and earning my college degrees, I quadrupled my intake of Wild Bluegreen Mind and reaped the rewards of enhanced mental clarity and the many benefits of feeding my brain the raw materials it needed to function well during a stressful time.

Almost no pregnancy is free of digestive challenges for a couple of reasons. The primary culprit is the pregnancy hormone that relaxes smooth muscles throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation significantly slows your digestive system down, which can lead to all sorts of discomforts. With a good diet, lots of clean water, and my daily intake of digestive enzymes and probiotics, I have never experienced problems in this area. This makes me feel good because I know that all of the important micronutrients from the algae are being properly absorbed and assimilated so they can benefit me and my baby. The second problem that gets worse as you enter the last trimester is the complete lack of space in your body! The growing baby begins to displace your internal organs and confine them to cramped spaces. When you get to this point, you need a highly functioning digestive system in order to keep things moving along.

My kids are fortunate that they have been receiving the benefits of algae products through my body from conception, gestation, and then nursing. Once they stopped nursing, I open capsules, mix the powders together, and then dip their pacifiers in it throughout the day. Now that they are older, I give them the algae powder, enzymes, and probiotics in their daily juice. As far as benefits go, first and foremost, my kids stay healthy throughout the years. They certainly have no shortage of energy! As a totally biased parent, I would also add that they are quite brilliant and consistently screens at a higher age on developmental tests.

Abbie McClung
Klamath Falls, OR

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IN 1985 I was introduced to New Earth products. As my patients began to use them, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family.
- Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP
Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada

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