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References to articles, books and clinical studies
about wild-crafted blue green algae positive impact on the brain. Please feel free to contact us and request any of these articles or studies.
- Algae to the Rescue! (1996). Karl J. Abrams.
pp. 89-96.
- "Algae in baby's formula? Yes put there
on purpose." The Seattle Times, Feb. 23, 1997. "Algae
extract adds a nutrient key to higher IQ."
- "Favorable effects of blue-green algae
Aphanizomenon flosaquae on rate plasma lipids." (2000).
Kushak R, et al. Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association.
- Living Foods for Optimum Health. (1998).
Brian Clement. pp. 155-157.
- "Microalgae: First and finest superfood."
(April, 1995).
Body Mind Spirit. 14(3):12-18.
- Super-Learning 2000. (2000).
Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. "Smart Food and Super
Nutrition", P. 197.
- The Children and Algae Report. (1995). Jarratt
C., Jewett M., Peters S, and Tragash E. The Center for Family
Wellness, Harvard, Mass.
- The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived.
Carroll L. and Tober J. Hay House Inc. P. 188.
- "Ten Foods That Pack a Wallop".
Time, Jan. 21, 2002.
- The Nicaragua Report. (1995). Study on the
effects of Super Blue Green¨ Algae on the nutritional status
and school performance of first, second and third grade children
attending the Monsenor Velez School in Nandaime, Nicaragua. "Sevilla
and Aguiree's study of 1,567 students demonstrated an 81% increase
in the average standardized test scores among malnourished children
eating only .5 to 1 gram of Super Blue Green¨ Algae a day
over a six month period. Subjects showed significantly increased
classroom attendance and participation, as well as marked improvement
in overall health. Academically, the Valez school went from having
one of the lowest national scholastic test scores to achieving
one of the best."
- "Top Ten Most Important Supplements of
the New Millennium". Vitamin Retailer. Jan. 2002. "Blue-green
algae supplements are poised to take off because they are a rich
source of so many nutrients, including all the essential amino
acids. Vitamin B- 12, Vitamin B-2, beta-carotene and calcium".
Our friends, Roger and Betty, visited their son in Florida and found his 11-year-old dog suffering with severe hip problems. Roger asked if they could provide Animal Algae for the dog. After two or three weeks, the dog was frisky and playful again. Roger wasn´t surprised since New Earth products are helping him, too! - Barb and Doral Clark Sauk City, Wisconsin