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Healthy Futures

Section 6

The Importance of Daily Conditioning

Featured Products: Wild Bluegreen™ Body and Wild Bluegreen™ Mind

Welcome to section six of our Journey to Better Nutrition

In this discussion we deepen our knowledge and experience about how nutrition works inside the human body. This will lead us naturally and organically into a conversation about how the New Earth products work inside the human body. The main purpose behind this and all our nutrition conversations is to assist you in experiencing optimum product benefits and results. And all of this is designed to be an integral part of your enthusiastic commitment to creating a healthier diet and lifestyle.

"Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. Humility, like darkness, reveals the heavenly lights."

Henry David Thoreau, from Walden

We have emphasized that the habits in our diet and lifestyle are key to reaching optimum product benefits and results. This section will focus specifically on the habits of naturally healthy people and the importance of our daily conditioning.

  • What are the Habits of Naturally Healthy People?
  • What are the foundational principles of natural health and functional nutrition?
  • If Life is a Meal, what’s on the menu? Helpful information about the nutritional importance of sunlight, water, oxygen, macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, movement, and rest.

Re-imagining the Concept of 'Daily Conditioning'...

When we think of the term daily conditioning, most of think about activities that work our muscles and improve our daily physical condition. Exercise is definitely a spoke on the wheel of health and one important way to stay in peak condition.

We have used a factory analogy to explain how cells work. However, cells are not literally factories. Cells are living systems, more complex in origin, design and function than any factory. Cells are microscopic eco-systems that require a full spectrum of nutrient exposures, impacts, interventions and interconnections just like their larger macroscopic counterparts...the local, regional, and planetary eco-systems in which we live.

Cells of Our Bodies Are Like Internal Botanical Gardens

You wouldn't plant your garden in April or May, take three or four months off and return to a well manicured, weed-free, blossom-filled and fruit-filled garden. Just like you wouldn't go to the gym for three hours, take three months off, work-out another three hours, and expect to produce optimum physical conditioning. The point is simple:

Health is the result of daily conditioning, and daily conditioning is a result of diet and lifestyle habits. The more complementary our conditioning and habits are, the healthier we are. The more insulting our conditioning and habits are, the sicker we are.

The Principles of Balance and Harmony

"There are principles. We do have conscience. And these two things make all the difference. They impact our thoughts and how we see everything around us. We see how vital it is to pause in that space between stimulus and response so that we can listen to our conscience and exercise the attributes of the heart to make the 'best' choices. Principles reinforce the habits that create peace."

Stephen R. Covey, First Things First

The Hub, The Spokes and The Wheel of Nutrition and Natural Health:

The hub is composed of natural, biological principles. The spokes represent all the complementary and insulting habits in our diet and lifestyle. The wheel represents our life, energy, and the results that are a direct consequence of our beliefs, principles, and habits.

The Hub is Composed of Natural, Biological Principles:

In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey tells a story about the meaning, purpose, and practical usefulness of natural principles:

It was a dark and stormy night. The officer on the bridge came to the captain and said, "Captain! Captain!, there is a light in our sea lane and they won’t move!" The captain responded tersely, "Whaddya mean they won’t move? Tell them to move! Tell them, 'Starboard', right now!"

The signal is sent..."Starboard! Starboard!", and comes back..."Starboard yourself!" The captain is furious, "I can’t believe this! What’s going on here? Let them know who I am!"

The signal is sent... "This is the Mighty Missouri: Starboard!", and the signal comes back: "This is the lighthouse!"

Nature's principles are like lighthouses, they do not move. Nature's principles (or laws) are designed to serve, direct, nourish and protect us. We cannot break them without breaking ourselves in the process. Breaking these laws is what we have been referring to as insults in the rest of our diet and lifestyle. Breaking these natural laws is the cause of all sickness and dis-ease, and ignorance of nature's laws and principles are the cause of much unnecessary suffering. This is our understanding of a common sense and proactive approach to the subject of nutrition and health and the very best context in which to utilize and benefit from our New Earth products.

The 5 Basic Principles of Good Health:

  1. Homeostasis
  2. Synergy
  3. Digestion
  4. Entrainment
  5. Interdependence

Action Steps for Week Six!

  1. Learn more about New Earth's Wild Bluegreen™ Body
    and Wild Bluegreen™ Mind products.
  2. Fill out your Weekly Benefits Chart
  3. Review Life is a Meal from the 'digestion' discussion.
  4. Identify an insulting habit in your diet or lifestyle and minimize its impact. You could eliminate the insult altogether or simply modify it. Just try it one day at a time, for one week, and see if you notice improvements in your health and energy. Review the Habits of Naturally Healthy People for ideas and suggestions.
  5. Make sure you do something that really makes you laugh every day!
  6. Do you have questions?

This concludes Our Little Journey... I Thank You for Taking This Journey With Me... Please Let Me Know Your Insights and Revelations by Contacting Me...

For Instructions On How To Order Now
CLICK HERE and follow the online instructions.

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Jim just had surgery on his eyelids. He is healing incredibly fast and feels really good. We do attribute this blessing to the whole food products that we´ve been on since 1992. We are healthy living proof of the effects of these wonderful supplements
- Dixie and Jim Mayo
Mt. Vernon, WA

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