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Emanuela Visone

Medical Considerations in General

Each and every one of us is unique. Our age, weight, gender, shoe size, likes, dislikes, birthday, birthplace, parents, siblings, ethnic background, where we live, work, and play, and how we live, work, and play - whether we are married, single, widowed, divorced, rich or poor, happy or sad - a million possible combinations of constantly changing internal and external influences result in what is generally referred to as our diet and lifestyle and what is specifically referred to as the current condition of our individual health and well-being.

Our current condition influences and is influenced by our journey to better nutrition. And though we believe wholeheartedly in the principles of Natural Health and the vital role that nutritious foods and supplements can play in achieving a healthier diet and lifestyle, we also recognize your right to the medical care and medical intervention of your own choice - when special circumstances arise.

At New Earth, we do not prescribe medicine. We do not offer medical advice concerning the diagnosis or treatment of any disease. We are not in a position to comment on the side effects of any medications you may be taking or about any possible interactions between your medications and our nutrition products. Conversations about these matters should take place between your medical practitioner and you.

Our primary purpose in this section is to remind you of your responsibility to make sure that all the members of the health care team that you have selected are in communication about all the things that you are doing that affect your health. This is simply common sense.

(We strongly recommend that you read all three highlighted links from page one, but most especially link number one: What the research reveals about our products. And then don't forget to access the sub link in that section called: Nutrition or Medicine? )

Specific Considerations

Note: If you fall into any of the Special Considerations categories below, please consult with your medical doctor or alternative health care practitioner before starting any of the New Earth products

We understand that some physicians recommend the use of nutritional supplements in general, and New Earth products in particular…but many still do not.

  • If you are pregnant or nursing - please consult your primary health care provider before starting any of the New Earth products. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are always advised to exercise caution before making any changes in their diet and lifestyle; the addition of nutritional supplements is not an exception to this rule. Over the past twenty years we have seen and heard from thousands of pregnant and nursing mothers who, with the blessings of their physician and/or midwife have had great results with our products…before, during, and after pregnancy. However, common sense tells us that every woman and every pregnancy is unique and individual results can vary. Therefore, our suggestion to pregnant and/or nursing mothers is to seek the advice of the health care practitioner in charge of their ongoing care and support.

  • If you are currently taking any medication whatsoever - please consult with your primary medical provider before starting any of the New Earth products. Please consult with your pharmacist if you are taking over-the-counter medications. Please consult with your medical practitioner if you are taking prescription medications. Before commencing a dietary supplement program or making other changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is your own personal responsibility to find out about possible interactions with any drugs you may be taking. In other words, we strongly recommend that you be proactive and look up the side effects of any medications you are taking and then discuss the situation with your prescribing physician. Two excellent resources are the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and the Merck Manual: both are available on-line, at most pharmacies, and at bookstores everywhere.

  • If you are being medically supervised for the care and treatment of any medically diagnosed illness or disease from the most minor to the most serious, both acute and chronic; please consult with your medical practitioner before starting any of the New Earth products. This would include for example, but certainly not be limited to the following: allergies, asthma, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, depression, anorexia, bulimia, diabetes, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, the flu, acid reflux disease, Crohn's disease, lupus, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Environmental Illness, Multiple Sclerosis,(MS), cancer, AIDS, etc.

  • If you are scheduled for surgery - please consult with your surgeon and/or your supervising physician or health care practitioner before starting any of the New Earth products. It is quite common these days for anesthesiologists to request that all patients stop taking certain herbal and other dietary supplements at least two weeks prior to surgery. It is your responsibility to check into this and find out if this applies to you and your specific set of circumstances.

  • If you are taking immune-suppressant drugs - under certain unique and specialized medical situations the last thing your doctor wants happening is an increase in the health or effectiveness of your immune system. As strange as this may sound, it is simply common sense to find out if you are in this type of situation. Please consult with the practitioners responsible for your medical care before starting on any of the New Earth nutritional products.

  • If you aren't sure what to do - please consult with your primary health care practitioner for his or her advice before starting any of the New Earth products.

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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