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Emanuela Visone


In a country that often seems mesmerized by exercise and fitness gurus, obesity continues to be an alarming and increasing problem. Everyone knows we have to exercise, but too many people have a misunderstanding as to the most important reasons for daily exercise, and exactly what kind of exercise is the most helpful.

In order to properly cleanse, nourish, and regenerate every cell of our body, we possess two very important and constantly circulating fluids; blood and lymph. Our blood fluids are referred to as our Circulatory System which has a centrally located and powerful pump... the heart. We are all familiar the web-like maze of arteries, veins, and capillaries through which our blood circulates thousands of complete cycles every single day.

Too many of us are unfamiliar with two important facts about lymph fluids in general, and the Lymphatic System in particular. One is that we have twice as much lymphatic fluid in our body than blood. Two, there is no pump. In other words, we have two times as much lymphatic fluid in our body than blood, and we are the pump for the entire system.

The primary purpose and most vital function of exercise is to move the lymphatic fluid in our bodies on a regular basis. Until recently, this was never a problem for most human beings because most got their daily exercise from whatever work they did. This work did not used to include sitting in front of computer monitors or at desks.

Lymphatic fluid carries vital micronutrients to all the nooks and crannies inside our body. Lymphatic fluids also carry the cells that make up our Immune System. They also carry metabolic wastes away from the cells of the body. If we do not move our lymph fluid on a daily basis, we are not able to deliver optimum nutrition to our cells, and we are not able to remove toxic wastes from our cells.

We do not have to run marathons, or become aerobic champions...we just have to move. Walking is fine. Yoga, Tai-chi, chi-gong, and other oriental arts combining gentle movements with conscious breathing are fine. Dancing would be fine too. Laughter is also an excellent form of movement and exercise. This would need to be the kind of hysterical laughter where you can’t sit still!

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After following New Earth whole health model for 16 months, I´ve lost 50+ pounds. I´ve changed my diet to 60% raw foods, am no longer a slave to my cravings and have no interest in caffeine. I have energy to exercise, work and play. This simply would not have been possible without the support of these fantastic products.
- Pamela May
Seattle, Wa

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