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Emanuela Visone

Health Resource Library

>> We've compiled a collection of invaluable articles on various
health issues.

Check the box next to the health category or categories that you would like to receive information about. We will email you a list of the articles that we have available so that you can choose the ones that best meet your need.

Animal Health:


Animal Nutrition: Are You Really Meeting Your Animal´s Nutritional Needs?


From Water To Wellness: The Use of Blue Green Algae and Kelp Supplements in Equine Diet.


New Earth Distributors Come To The Aid Of Wild Mustangs!


Optimal Nutrition: The Missing Health Link For Animals


Addressing Joint Health Naturally: Poorly Formed Hip Joint


Canine Health - Liver and Kidneys


Special Diet and Supplements for Dogs with Liver and Kidneys Health Challenges


My Dog´s Favorite Fruit is Cherimoya!


Meat: Raw, well done or semi raw!


Doggie Treats: Fruits Instead of Cookies?


Keeping your dog´s teeth & gums healthy, naturally!


Pay attention to your dog´s urine color and odor


The Ultimate Health Insurance: Probiotics for Pets


Enzymes and Your Pet´s Health


Alkaline Foods for Your Pet´s Health


Antioxidants for Pets


Minerals for Pets´ health


Natural Healing and Supplements for Pets

Bodily Stress Management:


Natural Assistance for the Repair of Soft Tissue Injury


Natural Solutions For Pain Management


Disarm Headaches And Migraines, Naturally!


Nutritional Support For Aching Joints


The Fibromyalgia Fiasco Out of the Garbage Can

Brain/Nervous System:


Nutritional Tips For Autism


Cellphone Use Linked To Tumors

Detoxification System:


Nutritional Tips for Healthy Kidneys and Bladder

Digestive System:


Gas: Incomplete Digestion


How To Jump Start Your Way to Good Health - Enzymes


The Ultimate Health Insurance - Probiotics


Healing From the Inside Out - The Leaky Gut syndrome

Food / Nutrition:


The Basic "Why´s" and "How´s" of Juicing


Real Foods, Healthy Baby


Wild Foods: More Bounce To The Ounce


Keeping Yourself Young With Green Foods


Protein For Health: Quality More Vital Than Quantity


Comparative analysis of Super Blue Green Algae, Spirulina and Chlorella


The Health Benefits of High Quality Dietary Fiber


Fruit´s not good for you? Give me a Break!!!!


Better Bones and Calcium


The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil


Food Has Always Been and Will Always Be Your Best Medicine!


Acid/Alkaline Foods


Coconuts as a Functional Food in the Prevention and Treatment of AIDS

Immune System:


A Natural Healing Story: Scleroderma


God Bless The Common Cold


Cancer's Wake Up Call


Supporting the Body's Connective Tissue Through Nutrition and Supplements



Natural Help For Insomnia


Cravings, Be Gone!


Lose Weight While Gaining Vibrant Health


How I Beat Cancer, Diabetes and Strep,


The Acid/Alkaline Balance


Sinus Survival Through Old Fashioned Remedies


92-Year-Old Man Uses Diet and Exercise To Restore Health After Stroke


How One Man Overcame Diabetes & Bipolar Disorder


Essential Principles for Healthier Living


Optimal Health is as Easy as 1-2-3


What Produces Degenerative Diseases?

Respiratory System:


Nutritional Tips To Help With Breathing


Assisting Respiratory Difficulties Naturally

Skin Care:


Age Spots - A Sign that It´s Time to Cleanse Your Liver


Causes of Eczema


Nordstrom Spa and Algae - "Getting Under Your Skin for Weight Loss"


Skin Profiles


Sunscreens, Vitamin D Deficiency and Antioxidant Lotions


Histamine and Skin Itching


It is not a good idea to suppress itching with drugs!


Keratosis Pilaris


Natural Help for Keratosis Pilaris




Home Care For Skin Breakouts

Soil Health:


The Hustle and Bustle of Healthy Soil: The Soil Food Web


Amending The Soil: PlaNet Food Can Help


Rejuvenate the Planet with PLANeT Food



The Dietary Usefulness Of Inorganic Vs. Organic Minerals


The Foundation of Human Nutrition: Are You Really Meeting Your Personal Nutritional Needs?


Whole Food Nutrition and Supplements


Antioxidants: Discovering The Whole Food Difference!


A Nutritional Edge for the Athlete


Coenzyme Q10 -- the Answer For Our Own Internal Energy Crisis


Food Enzymes -- A Key to Unlocking Our Health


Probiotics - Great Digestion for Life!


Are Man Made Vitamins Harmful to Us?


Natural Healing and Supplements


Natural Healing and Supplements (Spanish Version)


Natural Healing and Supplements (Japanese Version)


What Is An Enzyme?


What Is An Enzyme? (Spanish Version)


What do enzymes do in the body? (Spanish Version)


What do enzymes do in the body?


Vitamin K and Bone Health


Probiotic Healing: Being Friendly To Friends


Essential Fatty Acids chart of Super Blue Green Algae


The Whole Food Solution to Aging & Free Radicals


Research Affirms the Efficacy of Super Blue-Green Algae


Your Algae Experiences


Benefits of folic acid: Are you getting enough?


Super Blue Green Algae: One of the last super foods

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I make frequent trips to the UK to visit family. Over many years, it was a given that I would have a cold after a few days of my arrival in London, England. But it occurred to me that cold symptoms can be brought about by experiencing unusually stressful conditions, or eating foods on the airplane and restaurants that I´m not accustomed to eating. Then I learned that I must ensure adequate intake of friendly bacteria like spectrabiotic on a daily basis prior to traveling to improve the digestive processes. I decided to take two spectrabiotic with every meal and two in-between meals five days prior to flying to the UK, and ergo, I had no cold symptoms throughout my stay there.I followed this protocol a few days before I returned to North America, and I´m happy to say, I didn´t experience any cold symptoms on my return either. Needless to say, these products work!
- David Stone
White Rock, B.C., Canada

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