Experiencing Optimum Product Benefits and Results!
Thank you for purchasing (or considering) New Earth's fabulous nutritional
products. We would like to invite you to participate with us in
a series of ongoing conversations, the purpose of which is to assist
you in experiencing optimum product benefits and results.
The secret to experiencing optimum product benefits and results
is the combination of what you already know and what you
already do with what you already know in three distinct yet
interconnected areas:
- The nutritional
purpose of the New Earth products
you have purchased.
- The nutritional impact of your
other dietary and
lifestyle habits.
- What the
research reveals about our amazing products and about the
exciting field of nutrition.
Together, this information and these conversations will demonstrate
how nutrition works inside the human body
and how New Earth products work inside the human body.
This may seem like too much information, and if it does...you don't
have to read another sentence or endure any training in nutrition
and health. The truth is, and we have scientific studies to back
this up - simply by taking a few capsules or tablets of our nutrition
products every day, you will be doing yourself a world of good and
receiving dramatic benefits and results.
If you choose this approach, please review our simple, common
sense guidelines as you begin.
New Earth products are nutritional whole food supplements,
all of which contain some of our earth's most important foundational whole
food - Wild Bluegreen™ Algae. These wonderful products are foods,
not drugs. They nourish, support, and optimize the normal functioning
of our bodies, as all nourishing foods do.
Taking these products does not require advanced degrees in nutrition,
physiology, and health. Taking these products, and effectively experiencing
many desirable health benefits should be as easy as breathing in
fresh mountain air and drinking a class of pure spring water. And
many times, for many people, doing the proverbial "simple and
obvious" is just this easy and effortless.
Two things that really help in the journey to better nutrition:
- A genuine commitment to living a healthier diet
and lifestyle.
- A common sense approach to achieving your goals.
For almost twenty years we have been educating on the fundamentals
of nutrition and health, in combination with our wonderful products.
We have learned a lot in all those years and are eager to share
our experiences with you now.
We want to work with people who are ready and willing to improve
the quality of their lives through better nutrition. This is the
essence of the business we are in. We invite you to join with us
in an ongoing conversation about the journey to better nutrition
that will still be fresh and new, and as exciting as ever, twenty
years from now!
Before this all begins to sound a bit too idealistic, let us reassure
you that we live in the same world that you live in. We share similar
challenges presented to us every day from all the regular stresses
and strains of modern life. We acknowledge the negative impact of
a polluted environment, fast foods, fast-track-careers, and less
and less free time. As a result, we are mostly a culture of people
leading less than perfect lifestyles, eating less than perfect diets,
making less than perfect decisions in our various attempts to be
perfectly healthy in a very imperfect world.
It is our hope, that you will find in these ongoing nutrition conversations
some well deserved shelter from the storms of our modern world and,
at the same time, discover a constant well-spring of opportunities
to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those you care
about the most.
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